Everything you need to know about Learning Disability Nursing…at a Glance!
Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance is the perfect companion for study and revision from the publishers of the market-leading at a Glance series. This visual, dynamic and user-friendly resource addresses the key principles underpinning contemporary learning disability nursing practice, relates them to key clinical practice issues, and explores them in the context of maintaining health and well-being.
Exploring the full spectrum of care, this textbook addresses the needs of people with learning disabilities across the life span, from children through to adolescents and on to adults and older people. Aimed at nursing, health and social care students, as well as registered nurses, this is an invaluable resource for all those looking to consolidate and expand their knowledge, in order to provide safe, effective and compassionate care to people with learning disabilities.
- The perfect revision and consolidation textbook
- Highly visual colour presentation, with full colour illustrations throughout
- Includes expert contributions from learning disability academic staff as well as clinicians
- Embraces both primary and secondary care perspectives
- Supported by a companion website featuring case studies to further test your knowledge
- Available in a range of digital formats- perfect for ‘on the go’ study and revision
This title is also available as a mobile App from Med Hand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from i Tunes , Google Play or the Med Hand Store .
Contributors viii
Preface xi
How to use your revision guide xiii
About the companion website xvii
Part 1 Introduction to learning disability nursing 1
1 What is learning disability nursing? 2
2 Nursing and midwifery standards 4
3 The six Cs 6
4 The student nurse perspective 7
Part 2 Exploration of learning disability 9
5 What is a learning disability? 10
6 Causes of learning disability 12
7 Chromosomal disorders 14
8 Genetic disorders 16
9 Other causes of learning disability 18
Part 3 Childhood development 21
10 Screening and genetics 22
11 Developmental milestones 24
12 Common childhood diseases 26
13 Developing communication 28
14 Learning through play 30
15 Education 32
16 Screening for autistic spectrum conditions 34
17 Safeguarding children 36
Part 4 Adolescence 39
18 Puberty 40
19 Bullying 42
20 Child and adolescent mental health services 44
21 Transitions 46
Part 5 Adults with a learning disability 49
22 Working with adults with learning disability 50
23 Communicating with people with learning disability 52
24 Sensory impairment 54
25 Living with Autistic Spectrum Conditions 56
26 Epilepsy in adults with learning disability 58
27 Management of epilepsy 60
Part 6 People with a learning disability and additional mental health needs 63
28 Managing challenging behaviour 64
29 Mental health issues 66
30 Personality disorder 68
31 Offenders with a learning disability 70
Part 7 Vulnerable adults with a learning disability 73
32 Mental Capacity Act 74
33 Human rights 76
34 Equality Act 2010 78
35 Mental Health Act 80
36 Ethics, rights and responsibilities 82
Part 8 Biophysical aspects of learning disability nursing 85
37 Biophysical aspects of learning disabilities 86
38 Common health issues 88
39 The Health Action Plan 90
40 Pain assessment and recognition 92
41 Palliative and end-of-life care 94
42 Dementia in people with Down’s syndrome 96
43 Sexual health issues 98
44 Postural care 100
Part 9 Older people with a learning disability 103
45 Older people with a learning disability 104
46 Dementia care 106
47 The Mental State Examination 108
Part 10 Medication 111
48 Antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs 112
49 Antiepileptic drugs 114
50 Nurse prescribing 116
51 Drug calculations 118
Part 11 The learning disability nurse 121
52 The community learning disability nurse 122
53 Healthcare facilitators 124
54 The health liaison nurse 126
55 The assessment and treatment learning disability nurse 128
56 The prison nurse 130
Part 12 Inclusion 133
57 Person centred planning 134
58 Employment 136
59 Housing and leisure 138
60 Ethnic minorities and learning disability 140
61 Parents with a learning disability 142
62 Family perspectives 144
63 A service user’s perspective 146
64 Advocacy 148
65 Health passports 150
66 Hate crime 151
67 Sex and individuals with a learning disability 152
68 Spirituality 154
69 The twenty-first century: Networking for success 155
Further reading and resources 157
Index 161
Bob Gates is Professor of and Academic and Professional Lead for Learning Disabilities, University of Hertfordshire and Visiting Professor of Learning Disability, University of West London. He was Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of Journal of Intellectual Disabilities; Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities; and is consultant editor to Learning Disability Practice magazine. He is Member of the British Institute of Learning Disability and the National Learning Disability Coalition.
Debra Fearns is Senior Lecturer, Learning Disability Nursing, University of Hertfordshire.
Jo Welch is Senior Lecturer, Learning Disability Nursing, University of Hertfordshire.