作者: Bradley L. Jones

Alan Simpson is the author of more than 90 computer books, on topics ranging from Windows to word processing and Web-pagedesign to databases. His books have been translated into more thana dozen languages and have sold millions of copies throughout theworld. Prior to becoming a full-time author, Alan taught computerscience at the college level and served as a computerizedtrainingconsultant to the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.Bradley L. Jones is an international bestselling authorwith more than a dozen books ranging from fixing PCs to Windows tolearning how to use various programming languages. He is also thesite manager of a number of high-profile web sites and discussionforums for Jupitermedia. Sites include Developer.com, Java Scripts.com, Dev X, and many more.In addition to his books, articles, and site work, he is alsoactive in the community as a leader with local user groups. Inaddition to his many credits, he has also been recognized as a mostvaluable professional (MVP) by Microsoft Corporation.

5 电子书 Bradley L. Jones

Alan Simpson & Bradley L. Jones: Alan Simpson’s Windows Vista Bible, Desktop Edition
Check out the best of Windows Vista in this handy desktop-size resource. This convenient reference is drawn from the very best of bestselling author Alan Simpson’s Alan Simpson’s Windows Vista Bible. …
Bradley L. Jones: Web 2.0 Heroes
Web 2.0 may be an elusive concept, but one thing is certain: using the Web as merely a means of retrieving and displaying information is history. Today?s Web is immediate, interactive, innovative. It …
Bill Hatfield & Bradley L. Jones: Windows XP in 10 Simple Steps or Less
If you need Windows XP solutions fast, then this book is foryou-whether you’re new to Windows XP or you need help dealing withthe applications that come with it. Open the book and you’lldiscover clea …
Peter Aitken & Bradley L. Jones: C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself
Sams Teach Yourself C Programming in One Hour a Day, Seventh Edition is the newest version of the worldwide best-seller Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days. Fully revised for the new C11 standard and li …
Peter Aitken & Bradley L. Jones: C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself
Sams Teach Yourself C Programming in One Hour a Day, Seventh Edition is the newest version of the worldwide best-seller Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days. Fully revised for the new C11 standard and li …