Secure your investment gains and supercharge your results with this down-to-earth analysis of investing fundamentals
Via powerful and unique insights, Ignore the Hype: Financial Strategies Beyond the Media-Driven Mayhem teaches readers how to keep their focus squarely on time-tested strategies for meeting their financial goals without getting distracted by a constant barrage of news headlines.
The book takes a common-sense approach to the financial world that’s ideally suited to the everyday investor. It covers topics including:
* How to avoid competing against hedge funds in a game they’ve rigged
* What you can do today to avoid taxes tomorrow
* Wall Street’s Dirty Secret: Forecasting is just guessing
* Why some of your investments have worse odds than a casino game
* How the media circus can derail your financial plans
* Surviving a world where financial advisors don’t have to act in your best interest
Ignore the Hype emphasizes the difference between short-term trading and long-term investing, how to filter the constant onslaught of information coming your way from every angle and separate the valuable content from the noise, and how to build a foundation for investment success based on common sense and academic research.
About the Author
Part I Yes the Game is Rigged, But You Don’t Have to Play
Chapter 1 The Times They Are A-Changin’
Chapter 2 Don’t Play a Game That’s Rigged
Chapter 3 Guess What? A Forecast Is Just A Guess
Part II If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You Probably Won’t Get There
Chapter 4 You Must Know What Drives Investment Returns
Chapter 5 You Must Have A Specific Financial Goal
Chapter 6 You Must Invest To Meet Your Goal
Chapter 7 You Must Practice Smart Diversification
Chapter 8 You Must Learn How You’ll Be Taxed
Part III Just Because You’re Paranoid, Doesn’t Mean They Aren’t Out To Get You
Chapter 9 How to Avoid the Taxman Without Going To Jail
Chapter 10 Sorry, But You’re Probably Your Own Worst Enemy
Chapter 11: FYI, The Media Doesn’t Care if You Make Money
Chapter 12: Avoid The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Chapter 13: How to Survive a Bear Attack
BRIAN PERRY is Executive Vice President at Pure Financial Advisors. In that role, he uses his extensive background and experience to promote financial education and help individuals meet their financial goals. In his quest to help people live the life they deserve, Brian has published widely, appeared on TV and radio, and spoken at countless seminars, workshops, conferences, and classes. Having spent more than two decades in the financial arena, Brian previously worked as an institutional portfolio manager and as a bond trader for several investment banks. He has an MBA in international business as well as a master’s degree in international affairs. He also holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst and is a Certified Financial Planner professional. Brian previously wrote From Piggybank to Portfolio: A Financial Roadmap for New Investors, in 2009.