This new approach to leadership focuses on how students can develop leadership skills right from the start of their nursing programme through to transitioning to their first role. The book first takes students through the underpinning knowledge and theory and then through practical skills to help them understand all aspects of leadership and how it is a key component of providing quality care to patients in a range of environments and settings. Real stories from nursing leaders, practitioners and students are included to inspire students and show them how they can impact positively on practice, whatever level they are working at.
Key features include:
- Real life focus, grounded in everyday practice, with lots of case studies and examples to help students see how theory relates to practice
- Activities to help students reflect about their own practice, and about themselves as leaders
- Video interviews with nurse leaders and students on the companion website
- Further reading and links to journal articles in both the book and the companion website help students delve deeper and prepare for assessments.
Introduction: the book roadmap and core skills for leadership – Ruth Taylor and Brian Webster-Henderson
Chapter 1: The context of leadership in practice – Annette Thomas-Gregory
Chapter 2: Nursing leadership in organisations: Theory and practice – Alison Crombie and Gayle Garland
Chapter 3: Policy perspective: students as the future generation of leaders – Lizzie Jelfs
Chapter 4: Leadership and inter-professional practice – Tim Bryson
Chapter 5: Leadership from the perspective of the public – Stephen Tee
Chapter 6: Global issues for nursing leadership – Mary Gobbi
Chapter 7: The coaching leader – Brian Webster, Gillian Mc Cready and Sandra Cairncross
Chapter 8: Networking and leadership – Ruth Taylor and Susan Tokley
Chapter 9: Preparation for transition to leadership in qualified practice – Jayne Donaldson and Mike Sabin
Chapter 10: Harnessing your skills as a future leader: Role models in action – Brian Webster-Henderson
Chapter 11: The student nurse as leader – Ruth Taylor
Epilogue: Personal reflections – Brian Webster-Henderson and Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor is a Professor of Nursing and Deputy Dean at Anglia Ruskin University. She had previously worked at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen for fifteen years. Her research and policy expertise relates to the student experience with a particular focus on the selection of student nurses and midwives. Her teaching expertise lies in clinical leadership, research (particularly in relation to qualitative research and case study research) and professional practice for compassionate care. In addition, she supervises students from undergraduate to doctoral levels. She has published and presented internationally. Ruth peer reviews and sits on editorial boards for a number of journals.