This book bridges fundamental gaps between control theory and formal methods. Although it focuses on discrete-time linear and piecewise affine systems, it also provides general frameworks for abstraction, analysis, and control of more general models.
The book is self-contained, and while some mathematical knowledge is necessary, readers are not expected to have a background in formal methods or control theory. It rigorously defines concepts from formal methods, such as transition systems, temporal logics, model checking and synthesis. It then links these to the infinite state dynamical systems through abstractions that are intuitive and only require basic convex-analysis and control-theory terminology, which is provided in the appendix. Several examples and illustrations help readers understand and visualize the concepts introduced throughout the book.
Transition Systems.- Temporal Logics and Automata.- Model Checking.- Largest Finite Satisfying Region.- Finite Temporal Logic Control.- Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems.- Largest Satisfying Region.- Parameter Synthesis.- Temporal Logic Control.- Finite Bisimulations.- Language Guided Controller Synthesis.- Optimal Temporal Logic Control.- Background.