Carla Mariano, Ed D, RN, AHN-C, FAAIM, is Associate Professor and Coordinator, Advanced Practice Holistic Nurse Practitioner Program and Scholar in Residence at the John Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, Division of Nursing, The Steinhardt School of Education, New York University.
2 电子书 Carla Mariano
Carol Noll Hoskins: Research in Nursing and Health
This book offers the reader a synopsis of research, appreciating both the science and art of inquiry. It is designed to present the basic elements of conducting and understanding nursing research usi …
Owen Jones: Ideias Para a Internet
Formas de fazer parte da comunidade online e se atualizar com o século 21! Ideias para a Internet Bem-vindo ao ‘Ideias para a Internet’ – um manual para iniciantes, seu guia para dominar o mundo digi …