歌词/戏剧 支持电子书小说叙事文学颤栗科幻小说/幻想文集歌词/戏剧多种语言版本漫画/幽默/ Squib礼品书,相册,日历歌词戏剧106,044 此类电子书 Edgar Allan Poe: Edgar Allan Poe His reputation has never settled, seeing as many reversals after his death as during his life. Though read and enjoyed ny many, fewer admire him openly. This volume includes all of his poetry and his … EPUB Adobe DRM €20.61 Nikhil: To Fall and to Rise The author puts his entire world on trial with the hope of breaking free from the shackles of his past. He desperately seeks a path that will see his dreams and desires fulfilled but must confront hi … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.48 Caryl Johnston: Storyteller in Times Square Storyteller in Times Square opens with a visit to New York and the ruins of the World Trade Center. Thus begins a poetry collection that reflects in subtle and surprising ways the post World War II h … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.53 Jill Saudek: Poems from Poems These poems are a response to a wide range of well-known poems from across the ages. They are written in the same poetic form as the originals and offer a modern perspective on their central themes. … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 Meredith Uthoff: Good Rain Growing up in Kansas in the summer, the air would be so thick with humidity sometimes it would be difficult to breathe. Sometimes the air would be so heavy you would hope for a good rain. After it wo … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Roland Nitzel: Their Heinous Crime The author, Roland Nitzel, started writing poetry as a senior in high school and continued through his college years. During that time, in the early 1960s, some of his professors and classmates encou … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Miriam Brown: Light and Dark Indulge in a captivating journey of poetry and short stories that will evoke a range of emotions from charm and sadness to shock and horror. This collection promises to keep you engaged, page after p … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 Neil Willis: Men With No Names People of the world all look to find their own position; firstly through family and friends, then the neighbourhood and finally work. Others prefer the commune of religion. All these influence the wa … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 Rahul Mirchandani: Spark Through this book of poems, I wanted to express the dynamic mystery that is existence, as well as the innate essence of life that we each carry in us as human beings, and show how language can be a m … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 TJ Mustafa: Poems of the Pretentious Minds Poems of the Pretentious Minds features a wide array of self-indulgent, darkly comical but heart-wrenching poetry that covers many topics such as love, family, friendship, death, sex addiction, abuse … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 下一页 >>> 0 0 查看 0,00 × × × 更改用户语言 × 阿拉伯语德国英语西班牙语法国印地文印度尼西亚意大利马来语荷兰人抛光葡萄牙罗马尼亚俄瑞典泰国土耳其乌克兰越南中国International Modal ×