Paul Heger (1924-2018; Ph D, University of Toronto) has published extensively on Jewish law of the Second Temple period. His research examines how the vibrant religious sectarian scene of late antiquity give way to a much smaller range of possibilities by the time of the Second Temple’s destruction and its aftermath.
4 电子书 Cecilia Wassen
Armin Lange & Kristin De Troyer: The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Until recently, most non-biblical manuscripts attested in the Qumran library were regarded as copies of texts that were composed after the books of the Hebrew Bible were written. Students of the Hebr …
Zondervan: Early New Testament Apocrypha
Broaden the scope of your New Testament studies with this introduction to early Christian apocryphal literature.To understand the New Testament well, it is important to study the larger world surroun …
Anders Runesson & Cecilia Wassen: Negotiating Identities
Covering the period from 200 BCE to 600 CE, this book describes important aspects of identity formation processes within early Judaism and Christianity, and shows how negotiations involving issues of …
Zondervan: Targums and Rabbinic Literature
Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies is a multivolume series that seeks to introduce key ancient texts that form the cultural, historical, and literary context for the study of the New Testam …