David Colmer is an Australian writer and translator who lives in Amsterdam. He has won many prizes for his translations of Dutch literature, including the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (both with novelist Gerbrand Bakker), and major Australian and Dutch awards for his body of work. His translations of the poetry of Hugo Claus and Ramsey Nasr were shortlisted for the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation and the Popescu Prize respectively, and his translation of a selection of Annie M.G. Schmidt’s classic children’s poetry was specially commended by the Foundation for Dutch Literature. Recent poetry translations include Paul van Ostaijen’s modernist classic Occupied City and Menno Wigman’s Window-cleaner Sees Paintings. His translation of a collection of the poetry of Mustafa Stitou will be published in 2019, and his translation of two collections by Flemish poet Charlotte Van den Broeck, Chameleon | Nachtroer, by Bloodaxe also in 2019.
6 电子书 Charlotte Van den Broeck
Charlotte Van den Broeck: Chameleon | Nachtroer
After first making her mark as a compelling performer, Belgian poet Charlotte Van den Broeck was acclaimed as one of Europe’s most innovative and original new voices in poetry following the publicati …
Charlotte Van den Broeck: Camaleón
Camaleón nos obliga en cada poema a recordar acontecimientos que nos descubrieron el mundo. Detrás de lo que nos contaban estaba la realidad y una pequeña imagen la desvelaba. Así hemos ido constr …
Charlotte Van den Broeck: Wagnisse
Der gefeierte Bestseller über die Kühnheit und das Scheitern, über das Leben und die Kunst, nicht nur für Architekturfans. Eine sündhaft teure Schwimmhalle versinkt im morastigen Grund. Ein Kirchturm …
Charlotte Van den Broeck: Bold Ventures
‘Bold Ventures resembles a pop version of Iain Sinclair’s psychogeography or Out of Sheer Rage, Geoff Dyer’s anti-biography of DH Lawrence’ Olivia Laing, GUARDIAN’A marvel: a monument to human beings …
Charlotte Van den Broeck: Saltos mortales
Oscilando con elegancia entre la reflexión ensayística y la descripción narrativa de su propio proceso de crecimiento personal, Charlotte Van den Broeck presenta trece miniaturas sobre la tragedia pe …