The last battle has been fought, and the victors are leaving the field.
What happens to the remaining dragons now?
In the End of Dragons, seventeen new voices show our young readers fantastical worlds where dragons and magic were real.
Featured Contributors:
Adriana Zadravec, Cameron Cordich, Carly Seemann, E. W. Farnsworth, Inaya Bhimani, J. B. Charon, Jeffrey Davis, John Dewald, Joshua Grasso, Juliana Nunes, Karin Osterberg, Kelly Bedbrook, Lillie E. Franks, Maxwell Czyzyk, Rebecca Coyte, Robert Kramer, and Taylor Rigsby
A Dragon in the Human Realm by J. B. Charon
After the Dragon was Defeated by Maxwell Czyzyk
A World Without Dragons by Joshua Grasso
Cason’s Secret by John Dewald
Downstroke by Jeffrey Davis
End of Battles by E. W. Farnsworth
Flying Free by Inaya Bhimani
Leftover Bits by Kelly Bedbrook
Race of the Dragon Ships by E. W. Farnsworth
Resolution by Cameron Cordich
The Dragon Maiden by Taylor Rigsby
The Final Quest by Adriana Zadravec
The Forbidden Feast by Karin Osterberg
The Noblest Dragon by Rebecca Coyte
The Red Dragon’s Treasure by Lillie E. Franks
Totem by Robert Kramer
Wimp to Warrior by Carly Seemann
47 Million Years Back by Juliana Nunes
About the Contributors
A Note from the Publisher