This is a Bible pilgrimage prepared to help each learner answer a very pointed question: ‘What kind of house will you build for me?’ This study brings us together to work side by side with wisdom as our Master Builder so that we will build according to the Father’s plan. We build with care because this house is for the name above all names. The Bible truths in each lesson build on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets and the heroes of our faith who have gone before us.
This teaching uses many building metaphors to illustrate the work of building a house for our Father’s holy name. The construction allegories offer relevant instruction, especially for tradespeople.
This study guide is the tenth book the author has provided to offer dynamic personal and small group learning experiences. An examination of the inspiration for each book makes it evident that every study topic began as focused prayers. Each book started when the Holy Spirit put a prayer burden on his heart. Then with prayers lifted up and by the leading of the Spirit, he explored and researched Scriptures to strengthen his prayers. Then each project began, providing applicable study lessons for every Christian’s daily life.
Table of Contents
Part 1: The Ground Work
1: Preparing the Building Site
2: Majesty of the Name
3: The Work of Generations
Part 2: A Crumbling House
4: Lost Significance
5: A Rejected Name
6: Missing the Mark
7: A Show of Contempt
Part 3: The Greatest House
8: A New Name
9: Baptized Into His Name
10: Count the Cost
11: A Covenantal Name
Part 4: A Beautiful House
12: A Name that Reveals
13: A House for Gathering
14: Authority to Build
15: A Cup of Cold Water
16: Praise and Glorify
17: Make Way for His Exalted Name
18: Blessings of the Name
19: Forgiveness and Mercy
20: A Wise Builder
21: A Worker’s Songs
22: No Other Name
Part 5: A Glorious House
23: Blessed Be the Name
24: Restoring the Temple
25: A Redemptive Name
26: A House Built True to Plan
27: Blow the Trumpet in Zion
The Capstone
Cho Larson’s years of Christian service and lay ministry uniquely prepared him to present Biblical concepts using Bible study guides designed for small groups. Every chapter builds up and encourages God’s people to fulfill their calling in Christ (Ephesians 2:10). Cho’s instruction offers a refreshing perspective for a Christian life filled with grace and mercy. His faith-building Bible teachings became fixed in his heart during years of examining the Scriptures and leading home study groups. His passion for teaching is a result of seeing God’s Word change people’s lives for good.Cho has served in various positions of Christian leadership, including Christian Education, elder, deacon, home group leader, and Bible instructor. His experience made him aware of the struggles we face as we prepare to serve in our church and community. Cho is a first-hand witness of the need for loving ministries through spiritual gifts that serve to strengthen the Church.His writing began in earnest during years of attending Christian Writers Conferences. The quality instruction and encouragement of accomplished authors and freelance writers served as an invaluable impetus in his writing career. The four ‘Kingdom Series’ books are the fruit of the good work God has accomplished in his life. Cho’s ‘Kalmus Series’ study guides build on the tenets of his first four books to encourage modern-day Christians to break free from their limitations to accomplish the work of ministry and service in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. The ‘Barnabas Series’ focuses on being united with Christ, building and strengthening worship, and answering the call of the Great Commission. Cho and his family live in Northern Arizona’s Verde Valley.