Get the facts on temples, tithing, missions, and caffeine
Mormon doctrines, rituals, and history, demystified at last!
Mormonism, or the LDS Church, is one of the world’s fastest growing religions. But unless you were raised a Mormon, you probably don’t have a clear picture of LDS beliefs and practices. Covering everything from Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon to tithing and family home evening, this friendly guide will get you up to speed in no time.
* How the LDS Church differs from other Christian churches
* What Mormons believe
* What happens in Mormon temples and meetinghouses
* The history of the LDS Church
* LDS debates on race, women, and polygamy
Introduction 1
Part I: What the Mormon Faith Is All About 7
Chapter 1: A New World Religion 9
Chapter 2: The Mormon Plan of Salvation 21
Chapter 3: Heavenly Parents, Savior, and Holy Ghost 41
Chapter 4: Restoring the Priesthood and the Church 59
Chapter 5: Together Forever: The Eternal Importance of Family 73
Part II: Eternal Rituals and Endless Meetings 89
Chapter 6: Welcome to the Meetinghouse! 91
Chapter 7: Sacred, Not Secret: Inside Mormon Temples 113
Chapter 8: In and around Church Headquarters 131
Part III: Holy Books and Sacred History 149
Chapter 9: The Bible and the Book of Mormon 151
Chapter 10: Mormonism’s Other Scriptures 171
Chapter 11: Searching for a Home 185
Chapter 12: Moving on to Utah with Brigham Young 199
Chapter 13: Building the Kingdom in Utah 213
Part IV: Mormonism Today 229
Chapter 14: Called to Serve: Missionaries and International Growth 231
Chapter 15: Hot-Button Issues for Mormons 251
Chapter 16: Sacrificing on Earth to Receive Blessings in Heaven 271
Chapter 17: Connecting with God and Each Other 291
Chapter 18: In the World but Not of the World 307
Part V: The Part of Tens 325
Chapter 19: Ten Famous Mormons 327
Chapter 20: Quick Answers to Ten Common Questions About Mormonism 333
Chapter 21: Ten Mormon Places to Visit 341
Index 349
Jana Riess, Ph D, has a doctorate in American religious history and is religion book review editor at Publishers Weekly. Christopher Kimball Bigelow is a writer and editor. Both are Mormons.