Claire Jarvis is a qualified archivist with a Ph D in History from Cambridge University. She was a research fellow and data analyst at London University in the 1990s, and co-authored three books and several research papers. She has lectured in family history at Birkbeck College and Morley College. She now runs the successful business Jarvis Transcriptions which provides archive services and transcriptions and translations from Latin of historical documents to genealogists, local historians and academics. She also runs palaeography workshops and online tutorials for local historians in the UK and abroad.
4 电子书 Claire Jarvis
Richard Harris & Claire Jarvis: Statistics for Geography and Environmental Science
Statistics are important tools for validating theory, making predictions and engaging in policy research. They help to provide informed commentary about social and environmental issues, and to make t …
Richard Harris & Claire Jarvis: Statistics for Geography and Environmental Science
Statistics are important tools for validating theory, making predictions and engaging in policy research. They help to provide informed commentary about social and environmental issues, and to make t …
Claire Jarvis: Exquisite Masochism
A groundbreaking approach to the Victorian marriage plot.How did realist novelists in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries hint at sex while maintaining a safe distance from pornography? Meta …
Claire Jarvis: Teach Yourself Palaeography
This is the very first 'teach yourself' book on palaeography, covering all the skills that the genealogist needs to read any document that might be found at any date in English archives. Us …