Clark Davis is Professor of English in the Department of English and Literary Arts at the University of Denver. He has served as chair of the department for six years, from 2009-2012 and 2015-2018. He is the author of After the Whale: Melville in the Wake of Moby-Dick (Alabama UP, 1995), Hawthorne”s Shyness: Ethics, Politics, and the Question of Engagement (Johns Hopkins UP, 2005), and It Starts with Trouble: William Goyen and the Life of Writing (U of Texas Press, 2015), which was selected as a Publishers Weekly Best Non-Fiction Title for 2015. His essays have appeared or are forthcoming in a variety of journals, including Nineteenth Century Literature, Arizona Quarterly, The New England Quarterly, The Southern Review, Raritan, Common Knowledge, ESQ, ATQ, Southwestern American Literature, Studies in American Fiction, and The Southwest Review.
4 电子书 Clark Davis
Clark Davis & David Igler: Human Tradition in California
With a land mass one and half times larger than the United Kingdom, a population of more than thirty million, and an economy that would rank sixth among world nations, the history of the state of Cal …
William Goyen: The Complete and Collected Stories of William Goyen
This collection of William Goyen’s short stories collects all of the stories found in his four earlier collections (including his Collected Stories) as well as nine additional stories, bringing all o …
Clark Davis: God’s Scrivener
A biography of a long-forgotten but vital American Transcendentalist poet. In September of 1838, a few months after Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered his controversial Divinity School address, a twenty-f …
Clark Davis: After the Whale
Examines Herman Melville’s short fiction and poetry in the context of popular 1850s fiction The study focuses on Melville s vision of the purpose and function of language from Moby-Dick through Billy …