作者: Claude Grison

Claude Grison is a Research Director at the CNRS and a national corresponding member of the National Academy of Pharmacy. She is the originator of a new concept, that of ecological chemistry. Lucie Cases is a Chemical Engineer at the CNRS in the Chim Eco laboratory. A graduate of the National School of Chemistry in Montpellier, she specializes in sustainable chemistry. Mailys Le Moigne is a Student Engineer at the Purpan School, Toulouse, specializing in agriculture, agri-food and the environment. Martine Hossaert-Mc Key is an Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS in the Chim Eco laboratory and at the CEFE in Montpellier. She is also in charge of Biodiversity and Overseas Missions for the CNRS.

6 电子书 Claude Grison

Jacques Biton & Vincent Escande: Ecocatalysis
Reconquest of biodiversity; remediation of degraded and anthropic areas, prevention of environmental health risks; eco-innovation; Green industry … The current French ambitions are closely related …
Claude Grison & Lucie Cases: Photovoltaism, Agriculture and Ecology
One of the challenges of our modern society is to successfully reconcile growing energy demand, demographic and food pressure and ecological and environmental urgency. This book offers an update on a …
Claude Grison & Lucie Cases: Photovoltaism, Agriculture and Ecology
One of the challenges of our modern society is to successfully reconcile growing energy demand, demographic and food pressure and ecological and environmental urgency. This book offers an update on a …
Claude Grison & Cases Lucie: Photovoltaisme, agriculture et ecologie
L’un des defis de notre societe moderne est de reussir a concilier demande energetique croissante, pression demographique et alimentaire, urgence ecologique et environnementale.Cet ouvrage propose un …
Jacques Bitton & Vincent Escande: L’ecocatalyse
Les effets non maitrises des multiples activites humaines menacent l’environnement en affectant la dynamique biologique et les equilibres biogeochimiques. Afin de participer au renouveau industriel, …
Claire M Grison & Claude Grison: Ecocatalysis
When facing global crises of many sorts, new ways of thinking are needed. Ecocatalysis is an innovative approach and toolbox that brings together chemistry and ecology to move us toward a more sustai …