2 电子书 Committee on the Review of the Appropriate Use of AFIP s. Tissue Repository Following Its Transfer to the Joint Pathology Center
Board on the Health of Select Populations & Committee on the Review of the Appropriate Use of AFIP’s Tissue Repository Following Its Transfer to the Joint Pathology Center: Future Uses of the Department of Defense Joint Pathology Center Biorepository (PDF
Founded during the Civil War as the Army Medical Museum, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) amassed the world’s largest collection of human pathologic specimens and was considered a premi …
Board on the Health of Select Populations & Committee on the Review of the Appropriate Use of AFIP’s Tissue Repository Following Its Transfer to the Joint Pathology Center: Future Uses of the Department of Defense Joint Pathology Center Biorepository (ePU
Founded during the Civil War as the Army Medical Museum, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) amassed the world’s largest collection of human pathologic specimens and was considered a premi …