作者: Corinna Burkhart 支持Nina Treu is co-founder and coordinator of the Laboratory for New Economic Ideas in Leipzig, Gemany. In her work there and as part of the degrowth and climate justice movement, she tries to bring different movements together.1 电子书 Corinna Burkhart Corinna Burkhart & Matthias Schmelzer: Degrowth in Movement(s) … EPUB 英语 DRM €20.47 0 0 查看 0,00 × × × 更改用户语言 × 阿拉伯语德国英语西班牙语法国印地文印度尼西亚意大利马来语荷兰人抛光葡萄牙罗马尼亚俄瑞典泰国土耳其乌克兰越南中国International Modal ×