作者: Daniel Ciolkosz

Daniel Ciolkosz is an associate research professor in Pennsylvania State University’s Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. He works to help Pennsylvania’s farms and related businesses develop bioenergy and improve energy efficiency. He is the extension program co-lead for Penn State’s renewable energy extension effort, organizes Penn State’s Bioenergy Short Course Series, participates in Pennsylvania’s State Wood Energy Team and Fuels for Schools groups, and is an active participant in the USDA Sustainable Farm Energy regional project. His research interests include biomass densification processes, thermochemical conversion, and farm energy benchmarking.

2 电子书 Daniel Ciolkosz

Michael Jacobson & Daniel Ciolkosz: Wood-Based Energy in the Northern Forests
This unique book provides the first comprehensive overview of wood based bioenergy in the northern hardwood forests of the Eastern United States. This includes a holistic look at the topic of wood ba …
Daniel Ciolkosz: Regional Perspectives on Farm Energy
This book examines the characteristics and opportunities for farm energy in the northeast quadrant of the United States, with attention to energy use, strategic energy management, and energy producti …