作者: Daniel Schugurensky

Elizabeth Pinnington is a doctoral candidate in the Adult Education and Community Development Department, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Elizabeth is an award-winning adult educator and facilitator. She researches and publishes in the areas of participatory governance, collaborative community movements, and social justice learning. Daniel Schugurensky is the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Adult Education and Community Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Among his recent publications are Four in Ten: Spanish-Speaking Youth and Early School Leaving in Toronto, Citizenship and immigrant education, “This is our school of citizenship”: Informal learning in local democracy, and Ruptures, continuities and re-learning: The political participation of Latin Americans in Canada.

7 电子书 Daniel Schugurensky

Fiona Duguid & Karsten Mündel: Volunteer Work, Informal Learning and Social Action
Since most research on work focuses on paid work, and most literature on education concentrates on schools, it is not surprising that studies on the relations between work and learning emphasize the …
Elizabeth Pinnington & Daniel Schugurensky: Learning Citizenship by Practicing Democracy
For many years, the fields of citizenship education and participatory democracy have often operated independently from each other. During the last decade, the Transformative Learning Centre of the Un …
Daniel Schugurensky & Charl Wolhuter: Global Citizenship Education in Teacher Education
Global Citizenship Education and Teacher Education brings together scholars and practitioners from all continents to explore the role of teacher education in formulating a practice of citizenship tha …
Daniel Schugurensky & Charl Wolhuter: Global Citizenship Education in Teacher Education
Global Citizenship Education and Teacher Education brings together scholars and practitioners from all continents to explore the role of teacher education in formulating a practice of citizenship tha …
Daniel Schugurensky: Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire is one of the most influential thinkers in education. This text is a thoughtful and thorough introduction to Freire”s work, situating this in the context of his life, intellectual journ …
Daniel Schugurensky: Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire is one of the most influential thinkers in education. This text is a thoughtful and thorough introduction to Freire”s work, situating this in the context of his life, intellectual journ …
Tara Bartlett & Daniel Schugurensky: Educating for Democracy
This captivating book provides a detailed examination of school participatory budgeting (SPB), a democratic process that combines citizenship education, civic engagement and participatory governance. …