The violence, confl icts, senseless wars, divorces and many other evil activities against each other globally is the lack of patience. The world is facing such atrocities and wickedness because of selfishness, greed, then also people are not ready to understand each other. This small book exposes some of the weaknesses that fi ght against our patience and some strengths which can enhance our patience. It is a book for all who are ready to notice how our impatience can destroy good intentions and also how we can build a society who are ready to embrace each other regardless of colour, religion, age, or sex. Even though the book targets Christians, I should think that politicians, statesmen, married couples, legal institutions and other stakeholders can largely benefi t from reading it.
I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour and was baptised in 1970. I am a member of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) where I learned sound biblical teachings of Christian attitude towards my career. Counselling has been a subject I loved when I studied Theology and Missions in Central University College in Ghana. When I moved to London, I continued my counselling, my skills and studies with University of London, Birkbeck College.
Currently, I am still studying counselling with the Institute of Counselling. When I joined an international eye hospital (Moorfi elds Eye Hospital in London), social experiences from the aged patients, regarding their ability to wait for a longer period for their treatment without complaining in their various clinics, urged me on more to complete this book on patience.