作者: Daniela

A determined mother who puts the needs of every one else before her own. Writing has been a natural talent since she was in the sixth grade.Danielle’s journey becoming a published author began with winning first place in a school district contest to write an essay. In high school, she wrote an unpublished play about drugs and peer pressure and began a novel. Since 2002, The International Library of Poetry published some of Danielle’s poems which you will find in her first book “Treasured Words.” It is also written in spanish due to her interests in the culture. In fact, her family speaks it. She has reached her goal in life making this book. Now she strives to reach people”s hearts and minds using her poems saying life is a beautiful thing that shouldn”t be taken for granted. Yes there are challenges and experiences we don”t like but without them we wouldn”t be who we are today.Una madre decidida que puede ayudar a otras personas al igual como ella misma puede necesitar. Escribir es un talento natural pues empezo cuando estuvo en el sexto grado. Su viaje como escritora empezo cuando gano una contienda involucrados en las escuelas. Desde el 2002, International Library of Poetry publicaron unas poemas que puedes encontrar en el primer libro de Daniela “Un Tesoro De Palabras.” La cultura e idioma en espanol siempre fue su interes. En realidad, toda su familia habla el idioma. Daniela a logrado su meta al sacar su libro y se a esforzado para alcancar los corazones y mentes de cada persona usando sus poemas por consejar y decir que vida es bonita y que no daria por sentado. Si hay retos y experiencias que no nos gustan pero sin ellos no seriamos quienes somos hoy.

9 电子书 Daniela

Daniela: Treasured Words
Treasured Words’ is full of life experiences that each one of us has encountered in life in one way or another. The feelings will overwhelm you after reading any one of the poems. This book was made …
Daniela & Gianluigi Giovanioli: La macellazione
Il Veterinario ha un ruolo non solo a difesa della salute dei consumatori di prodotti di origine animale, ma anche a tutela degli animali destinati a produrre gli alimenti stessi. Egli, infatti, è …
Daniela & Roberto Marchesini: Il canile come presidio zooantropologico
Il canile rappresenta oggi uno dei nodi cruciali del rapporto uomo-animale, capace di svelare le criticità della pet-ownership e dell’integrazione sociale del cane, oltre a testimoniare il …
Judith Buendgens-Kosten & Daniela Elsner: Multilingual Computer Assisted Language Learning
Recent developments in education, such as the increasing linguistic diversity in school populations and the digital revolution which has led to new ways of being, learning and socialising, have …
Daniela Schenk: Mein Herz ist wie das Meer
‘Mein Herz ist wie das Meer’ – und aus diesem Grund will Amelie nie wieder eine Beziehung eingehen. Amelie ist bipolar, das heißt, sie schwankt zwischen himmelhoch jauchzend und zu Tode betrübt. In …
Daniela Brogi & Tizian De Rogatis: La pratica del commento 3
I testi e le letture che compongono questo volume formano la terza tappa di un progetto avviato nel 2014 da Daniela Brogi, Pietro Cataldi, Tiziana de Rogatis e Giuseppe Marrani, e che ha già generato …
Daniela & Yixin: Maximizing Management Performance and Quality with Service Analytics
Service analytics studies the collection of business analytics models and tools for the improvement of IT service management processes. By analyzing related quality, cost, and productivity metrics, …
Daniela & Lidia: Infocommunication Skills as a Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Tool for Inmates
The prison population is a social group with a high level of digital divide. These individuals need to acquire digital skills for their future integration into society. As such, there is need for …