作者: Daniele Caramani

Daniele Caramani is professor of political science (chair of comparative politics and methods) at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. He is the author of the book and CD-ROM Elections in Western Europe since 1815 (Palgrave, 2000) and The Nationalization of Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2004), for which he received the “Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences.” He has also edited Comparative Politics (Oxford University Press, 2008). His current research focuses on the integration of European electorates and party systems. A paper on “Is There a European Electorate and What Does It Look Like? Evidence from Electoral Volatility Measures, 1976–2004” has appeared in West European Politics (29/1, 2006) and has been awarded the “Vincent Wright Prize” for best article in 2006.

9 电子书 Daniele Caramani

Daniele Caramani: Introduction to the Comparative Method With Boolean Algebra
Offering students and researchers in the behavioural and social sciences a brief and accessible introduction to the comparative method, it is ideal for students of public administration, policy, soci …
Daniele Caramani & Florian Grotz: Voting Rights in the Era of Globalization
This book discusses how the extension of voting rights beyond citizenship (i.e., to non-national immigrants) and residence (i.e., to expatriates) can be interpreted in the light of democratization pr …
Daniele Caramani & Florian Grotz: Voting Rights in the Era of Globalization
This book discusses how the extension of voting rights beyond citizenship (i.e., to non-national immigrants) and residence (i.e., to expatriates) can be interpreted in the light of democratization pr …
Elections in Western Europe 1815-1996
The Societies of Europe is a series of historical data handbooks on the development of Europe from the nineteenth to the twentieth century. The series is a product of the Mannheim Centre for Social r …
Eri Bertsou & Daniele Caramani: The Technocratic Challenge to Democracy
This book represents the first comprehensive study of how technocracy currently challenges representative democracy and asks how technocratic politics undermines democratic legitimacy. How strong is …
Eri Bertsou & Daniele Caramani: The Technocratic Challenge to Democracy
This book represents the first comprehensive study of how technocracy currently challenges representative democracy and asks how technocratic politics undermines democratic legitimacy. How strong is …