Dr James Marsh Sternberg is a radiologist in Palm Beach Gardens Florida & Professor of Radiology at two northern universities. He currently teaches bridge in Florida. He has won several North American National Championships and has written extensively for many bridge publications. He is the author of “Trump Suit Headaches; Rx for Declarers and Defenders”, “Playing to Trick One”, “Finesses, Only a Last Resort”, and “Blocking and Unblocking.” “Dr J” lives in Palm Beach Gardens with Vickie Bader. He can be reached at [email protected].
Danny Kleinman is a world class bridge player, backgammon expert, author, and teacher. He has improved the game for an innumerable number of students and authored more bridge and backgammon books than could be listed here. He prides himself however, mainly as a song writer. Danny Kleinman lives and in Los Angeles. He can be reached at [email protected]
11 电子书 Danny Kleinman
James Marsh Sternberg MD & Danny Kleinman: “Second Hand High, Third Hand Not so High”
“Second hand low” and “third hand high” are adages we learned in Bridge 101 along with others like “cover an honor with an honor” and “always return your partner’s suit.” These so-called rules will g …
James Marsh Sternberg MD (Dr J) & Danny Kleinman: An Entry, an Entry
This little word is vital in every bridge player’s lexicon in it’s entirety, and especially important is the final syllable- TRY. A clear understanding of this topic should be one of the top prioriti …
James Marsh Sternberg MD & Danny Kleinman: L O L
Just what is LOL? Yes, a common abbreviation for Laughing Out Loud, and often used to refer to a Little Old Lady, but in bridge it means a Loser-On-Loser play. At times a declarer can improve his/her …
James Marsh Sternberg MD: Playing to Trick One
Bridge is a game of mistakes.The best players make fewer mistakes. It’s not a matter of being brilliant The real expert players never make basic mistakes, they keep the ball in the court, in the fair …
James Marsh Sternberg MD & Danny Kleinman: The Search for a Second Suit
Becoming a good declarer starts with some basic principles. All the books tell you the same thing; before playing to Trick 1, think and form a plan. But what should you think about? Players often loo …
James Marsh Sternberg MD & Danny Kleinman: Elimination & Endplays
Card play at bridge embraces both declarer play and defense. Hundreds of books have been written about it. Our approach here, as in our previous books, is to focus on a particular deal type. Repeated …
James Marsh Sternberg MD & Danny Kleinman: Suit Preference
SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALS If there was ever an area in bridge that resembles walking thru a mine field this is it. No topic causes more confusion and arguments than suit preference signals. “Partner, I …
James Marsh Sternberg MD (Dr J) & Danny Kleinman: Solving the Mystery of the Redouble
More often than any other calls in bridge, redoubles produce confusion. When they do, the resulting disasters are more catastrophic than any others. Many doubles originally treated as penalty have be …
James Marsh Sternberg MD (Dr J) & Danny Kleinman: TO RUFF OR NOT TO RUFF
To ruff or not to ruff. The question seems so easy. To draw trumps promptly or is there something else to do first? Declarer has so many options. Ruff in dummy, a ruffing finesse, a crossruff, a dumm …
James Marsh Sternberg MD (Dr J): SIMPLE SQUEEZES
Squeezes. Just the word strikes fear into the heart of many bridge players. But simple squeezes are actually quite simple. The single or simple squeeze accounts for 90% of squeezes and 90% of this bo …
James Marsh Sternberg MD (Dr J): IMPROVING YOUR TIMING
Timing is everything. Playing a bridge hand, either as declarer or defender is often difficult enough. But in addition, knowing when to do whatever it is you are supposed to do adds another perspecti …