Are you one of the millions that love their dogs? Do you respect them as a fellow occupant? This book highlights the experiences of a companion that emotionally fills the bill. Miki has shown way too much love and affection than a human could give. He is quite intelligent, intuitive, funny at times, and always ready to slobber a kiss as a gift. This piece highlights the blessings the author and his partner have and want to deal with through every day and night. Currently, Miki is being registered as a companion dog.
The Author was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1956. He earned his BA and MPA at the University of Hartford and Trinity College. He moved to Orlando, FL in 1986 to accept advantage of a position in the technology sector that required he travel extensively throughout North America. He had to take a hiatus from work in 1990 to care for his partner who died six months later. Months later he met his current partner, Murray shortly afterward and have been together for 25 years. They recently married in February, 2015 when the Supreme Court ruled that all loving couples should enjoy the benefits of a legal union. They have an adopted “son, ” a Bichon Frise, named Miki.
Jennifer Wolf, the niece of the author, is a junior at Windsor High School in Connecticut, where she resides with her parents. Jennifer is planning to study fashion design in New York City and abroad. Her hobbies include drawing (she did all the illustrations in this book), piano, field hockey, and lacrosse. Jennifer greatly enjoyed working with her Uncle David on this project and being able to illustrate one of her favorite four-legged friends, Miki. Jennifer is very gifted as indicated by her extensive portfolio.