A series which is a model of its kind. Edmund King, History
The contributions collected in this volume demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period in a variety of disciplines. Subjects include the fables on the Bayeux Tapestry, the piety of Earl Godwine, the feudal quota of the pre-1066 Archbishops of Canterbury, Geoffrey Malaterra’s treatment of Roger the Great Count, mints and money in Anglo-Norman England, the church of Lastingham, and a reappraisal of Lanfranc as theologian.
David Bates is Professorial Fellow, University of East Anglia.
Contributors: Martin Allen, Henry Bainton, Nicholas Brooks, Jonathan Grove, Toivo Holopainen, Chris Lewis, Tom Licence, Marie-Agnès Lucas-Avenel, Christopher Norton and Stuart Harrison, Rebecca Slitt, Stephen D. White, Ann Williams.
Editor’s Preface –
Mints and Money in Norman England – Martin Allen
Literate Sociability and Historical Writing in Later Twelfth-Century England – Henry Bainton
The Archbishopric of Canterbury and the so-called Introduction of Knight-Service into England – Nicholas Brooks
Lastingham and the Architecture of the Benedictine Revival in Northumbria – Stuart Harrison and Christopher Norton
‘Lanfranc of Bec’ and Berengar of Tours – Toivo Holopainen
The Invention of the Manor in Norman England – C P Lewis
Herbert Losinga’s Trip to Rome and the Bishopric of Bury St Edmunds – Tom Licence
Le récit de Geoffroi Malaterra ou la légitimation de Roger, Grand Comte de Sicile – Marie-Agnès Lucas-Avenel
The Two Deaths of William Longsword: Wace, William of Malmesbury, and the Norman Past – Rebecca L. Slitt
The Beasts who Talk on the Bayeux Embroidery: The Fables Revisited – S.D White
The Piety of Earl Godwine – Ann Williams