The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Disordered Gambling is
a complete guide to the current empirical literature relating to
the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of disordered
gambling. The international contributors are all experienced,
practicing clinicians who discuss gambling within a global
* Best-practice guidelines for the clinical management of problem
and disordered gambling
* Contains empirically derived findings that translate research
into practical clinical applications that clinicians and counselors
can use in understanding and treating problem gamblers
* Brings together a distinguished international group of scholars
whose contributions discuss gambling as it occurs around the
* Clearly organized into sections that cover conceptualization,
research, assessment, treatment, and special topics
Editors’ Foreword vii
Foreword ix
Contributors xix
1 The Conceptualization and Diagnosis of Disordered Gambling
David C. S. Richard and Julia Humphrey
2 Epidemiology: An International Perspective 26
Rachel A. Volberg and Robert J. Williams
3 Contributions from Neuroscience and Neuropsychology 49
Anna E. Goudriaan, Ruth J. van Holst, Dick J. Veltman,
and Wim van den Brink
4 Behavioral Risk Factors in Disordered Gambling and Treatment
Implications 71
Paul H. Delfabbro
5 Dopamine and Learning: Brain-Behavior Interactions in
Disordered Gambling 98
Julia Humphrey and David C. S. Richard
6 Disordered Gambling and Personality Traits 117
Molly A. Nikolas and Christopher J. Hopwood
7 Case Conceptualization with Clients Presenting with Disordered
Gambling 132
Lori Rugle
8 A Review of Problem Gambling Assessment Instruments and Brief
Screens 165
Randy Stinchfield
9 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Translating Research into
Clinical Practice 204
Alex Blaszczynski and Lia Nower
10 The Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Female Problem Gambling
Nicki A. Dowling
11 Understanding Gamblers Anonymous – A
Practitioner’s Guide 251
Peter Ferentzy, Wayne Skinner, and Paul Antze
12 The CARE Model: How to Improve
Industry-Government-Health Care Provider Linkages
Michael J. A. Wohl, Travis Sztainert, and Matthew M.
13 Predictors of Treatment Outcome in Disordered Gambling
David M. Ledgerwood, Amy Loree, and Leslie H. Lundahl
14 Gambling Among Teens, College Students and Youth 306
Caroline E. Temcheff, Renee A. St-Pierre, and Jeffrey L.
15 The Technological Convergence of Gambling and Gaming
Practices 327
Mark D. Griffiths, Daniel L. King, and Paul H. Delfabbro
16 Gambling and Older Adults 347
Jamey J. Lister and Lia Nower
17 Internet Gaming and Disordered Gambling 361
Sally Gainsbury
18 Legal and Financial Issues and Disordered Gambling 386
Lia Nower and Alex Blaszczynski
19 Effects of Nutrition on Mental Health Conditions Associated
with a Gambling Disorder 400
David C. S. Richard
20 Research Directions and Unanswered Questions in the Treatment
of Disordered Gambling: Results of an Empirical Study 427
Lia Nower
Index 445
David C S Richard, Ph.D., is Dean of the Hamilton Holt
School and Professor of Psychology at Rollins College in Winter
Park, Florida. His research interests include behavioral
analysis of problem and disordered gambling and risk-taking,
trauma, measurement development, and the relationship between
nutrition and mental health. He is co-editor of the journal
International Gambling Studies.
Alex Blaszczynski is the Professor of Clinical
Psychology, University of Sydney, Director of the University of
Sydney’s Gambling Research Unit, and Director of the Gambling
Treatment Centre. In 1995, Professor Blaszczynski was a
co-recipient of the American Council of Problem Gambling Directors
Award, and in 2004, the National Centre for Responsible Gambling
senior investigator’s research award for his work in the
field of disordered gambling. He is a founding member of
the National Association for Gambling Studies, and he is the Editor
of International Gambling Studies.
Lia Nower J.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of
Social Work and Director of the Center for Gambling Studies,
Rutgers University. Her research focuses on the etiology and
treatment of problem and disordered gambling and co-morbid
addictive disorders, gambling-related policy issues, psychometric
measurement, and elements of recovery. She is currently co-editor
of International Gambling Studies and a consultant and grant
reviewer for international, national and state agencies.