FCCS2012 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus on Future Computer and Control Systems. “Advances in Future Computer and Control Systems” presents the proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Future Computer and Control Systems(FCCS2012) held April 21-22, 2012, in Changsha, China including recent research results on Future Computer and Control Systems of researchers from all around the world.
From the content: Improved LBF Model Combined with Fisher Criterion.- A Background Model Combining Adapted Local Binary Pattern with Gauss Mixture Model.- Driver Fatigue Detection Based on Ada Boost.- Research of Cascaded Conditional Random Fields Model for Sentence Sentiment Analysis based on Isotonic Constraints.- A Tree Routing Protocol based on Ant Colony Algorithm for Mine Goaf Monitoring.- Coverage Optimization Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network.- Adaptive Frame Selection for Multi-frame Super Resolution.- The Development of Web Site Construction in E-Commerce based on MVC Structs.