Courtrooms and contracts. Legal claims and criminal cases. The legal system can be complex, but you’ll be at an advantage with this enlightening guide by your side!
Understanding the law and navigating the legal system has never been more important. From the day you are born and get your government-issued birth certificate to finding a job and paying your taxes to your eventual death certificate, legal documents, legal rights and responsibilities, and the law are an inescapable part of our lives. Fully revised and updated to include an expanded and up-to-date understanding of individual rights and personal liberties—from the Bill of Rights to the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade—as well as an all-new chapter on immigration law, The Handy Law Answer Book 2nd edition answers over 750 of the most important, intriguing, and interesting legal questions many of us face, including …
Completely revised and updated for the first time in 15 years,
The Handy Law Answer Book incorporates the latest Supreme Court rulings and their views on the Constitution, employment law, criminal law, family law, bankruptcy, affirmative action, Presidential immunity, same-sex marriage, and much, much more. Whether you’re in your living room or law school, this compelling resource will inform you of the basics of the law and legal principles. It will arm you with the knowledge you need to navigate and understand our system of justice!
About the Author
1. The U.S. Constitution
2. The Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment
3. Federal and State Courts
4. Criminal Law and Procedure
5. Personal Injury Law
6. Employment Law
7. Credit and Bankruptcy Law
8. Family Law
9. Immigration Law
Further Reading
David L. Hudson Jr., J.D., is an attorney and law professor at Belmont University’s College of Law, a U.S. Constitution scholar, and a fellow for the First Amendment of the Freedom Forum. Hudson earned his undergraduate degree from Duke University and his law degree from Vanderbilt Law School. He speaks widely on Constitutional Law and school law issues. He previously taught classes at Vanderbilt Law School and the Nashville School of Law, where he was awarded its Distinguished Faculty Award. He also served as a senior law clerk for the Tennessee Supreme Court. He is an author, co-author, or co-editor of more than 40 books, including Visible Ink Press’s The Handy Civics Answer Book, The Constitution Explained: A Guide for Every American and The Handy Supreme Court Answer Book: The History and Issues Explained. He writes regularly for the American Bar Association’s Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases and ABA Journal. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.