David Rae lives in Scotland and grew up in a world where hordes of workers spill out of factories, a world where fog and smoke shroud all kinds of creatures, a world where ruined castles, factories and houses are haunted by ghosts, gangs and memories. He lives in a world where witches have been burned at the cross and martyrs have been hung on the Gallowgreen.
Since a child, he has tried to capture that world in words, poems, and stories. He has read every trashy novel, every children”s book and every comic that came his way. Thank God for public libraries.
He studied Botany, Architecture, Mathematics, Computers, Geography, and Ecology. He worked in a candy factory (not as an Oompa-Loompa), as a scaffolder and ditch digger. He has worked as a draftsman and as an ecologist, as a statistician and as a policy maker. He is married and has four lovely children and now lovely grandchildren. And he continues to read and to write and marvel at the world he lives in.
9 电子书 David Rae
David Rae: Opportunity-Centred Entrepreneurship
The second edition of this core textbook focuses on the practical elements of opportunity creation, recognition and exploitation. It aims not only to analyse what constitutes entrepreneurship but als …
David Rae & Catherine Wang: Entrepreneurial Learning
This book explores the development of the rapidly evolving field of entrepreneurial learning by bringing together contributions from an international team of researchers, who offer new understanding …
David Rae & Catherine Wang: Entrepreneurial Learning
This book explores the development of the rapidly evolving field of entrepreneurial learning by bringing together contributions from an international team of researchers, who offer new understanding …
David Rae: Crowman
Touch the light. Hold the light. The light burns. The light runs away. Hold the light. Lock the light away. The great spirit Vatu keeps the Sun in a box, where no thief can steal it. Once a year, the …
David Rae: Crowtower
All things must die. If death will come regardless, then we do not need to fear it or to run from it. We can live instead. The priests of Vatu are locked in an endless cycle of life, death, and rebir …
Oluwaseun Kolade & David Rae: The Palgrave Handbook of African Entrepreneurship
This comprehensive handbook offers a state-of-the-art guide to new frontiers of African entrepreneurship. Written from a Pan-African perspective by a cast of international authors, the book addresses …
David Rae: Crowbait
I am the whisperer and the words I speak echo within you. I am the whisperer and my words do not fade, they endure to the end. Everything changed when the high priest defied the dark spirit Vatu. One …