作者: David Schmid

Andrew Pepper is Senior Lecturer in English at Queen’s University Belfast. He is the author of The Contemporary American Crime Novel (2000) and Unwilling Executioner: Crime Fiction and the State (2016). He has also written five crime novels set in nineteenth-century Britain and Ireland including The Last Days of Newgate. David Schmid is Associate Professor of English at the University of Buffalo, USA. He is the author of Natural Born Celebrities: Serial Killers in American Culture (2005), the co-author of Zombie Talk: Culture, History, Politics (2015), and the editor of Violence in American Popular Culture (2015).  

8 电子书 David Schmid

Andrew Pepper & David Schmid: Globalization and the State in Contemporary Crime Fiction
Why has crime fiction become a global genre? How do writers use crime fiction to reflect upon the changing nature of crime and policing in our contemporary world? This book argues that the globalizat …
John Edgar Browning & David Castillo: Zombie Talk
Zombie Talk offers a concise, interdisciplinary introduction and deep analytical set of theoretical approaches to help readers understand the phenomenon of zombies in contemporary and modern culture. …
David Schmid: Einfluss von entmineralsiertem Wasser auf Keimung und Wachstum von Kresse
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Biologie – Botanik, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ich möchte herausfinden, ob sich durch die Verwendung von entmaterialisiertem Wasser Wachstumsvorteile …
David Schmid: Korruption durch Bonuszuwendungen
Nahezu unbeachtet von der Öffentlichkeit beherrschen wenige Mediaagenturen den Markt für die Platzierung von Werbung jeder Art. Da Unternehmen in der heutigen Zeit aufgrund der Vielzahl von Werbemögl …
Cribe Archy & Michael Barben: Bernbuch
Wie kann man sich in Bern verlaufen? Die Geschichten im Bernbuch zeigen, wie es geht: Sie führen auf hohe Brücken, zu Aussichtspunkten und zu den Bären im Gehege an der Aare. Auf Abwegen geht es zu h …
Schmid David Schmid: Violence in American Popular Culture
This timely collection provides a historical overview of violence in American popular culture from the Puritan era to the present and across a range of media.Few topics are discussed more broadly tod …
Schmid David Schmid: Violence in American Popular Culture
This timely collection provides a historical overview of violence in American popular culture from the Puritan era to the present and across a range of media.Few topics are discussed more broadly tod …
David Schmid: Natural Born Celebrities
Jeffrey Dahmer. Ted Bundy. John Wayne Gacy. Over the past thirty years, serial killers have become iconic figures in America, the subject of made-for-TV movies and mass-market paperbacks alike. But w …