Enzo Silvestri is a specialist in diagnostic imaging and has been chief of the Department of Diagnostic Imaging at Ospedale Evangelico Interanzionale in Genoa (Italy) since 2008. He is also a consultant for a number of sport associations and Italian soccer teams.
Dr. Silvestri gained his degree in medicine and surgery from the University of Genoa in 1983, where he also completed his specialization in diagnostic imaging in 1987.
Between 1987 and 2008, he combined his radiological practice with teaching and research at the Institute of Radiology at the University of Genoa (Italy).
In 2017 he was elected president of the Musculoskeletal Radiology Section of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM) .
He has presented original research at a number of congresses and is the author of more than 300 publications in national and international journals.
Fabio Martino completed his medical studies at Bari University’s School of Medicine. He started his specialty training in radiology at the university’s Radiology School in 1977 and was an attending radiologist at the Institute of Radiology there between 1978 and 1981. He has completed fellowships in management, radiology, and thoracic and musculoskeletal radiology research. In 1999 he became chief of radiology at the Department at Giovanni XXIII Paediatric Hospital of Bari, Italy. Since 2009, he has been a consultant radiologist at the Territorial Sanitary Department of Bari (A.S.L. Bari), Italy. In 2006, he was elected as president of the Musculoskeletal Section of the Italian Society of Radiology. Martino’s areas of research include musculoskeletal and thoracic imaging, pediatric radiology, and quality management in radiology and health services. His publications focus on musculoskeletal imaging, ultrasound and pediatric radiology.
Davide Orlandi is a specialist in radiodiagnostics. He received his Ph D in internal medicine, autoimmunity and gastrointestinal diseases at Genoa University. He works as a consultant radiologist at the Ospedale Evangelico Internazionale, Genoa, Italy, and is a counselor for the MSK section of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM).
He has received numerous prizes and awards, such as “Best Scientific Communication”, “Best Scientific Poster” and “Young Researchers Grant” at various national and international congresses.
He published more than 50 papers and presented over 100 scientific communications and posters at national and international congresses.
He has also authored and co-authored several books and book chapters published by Springer, among them Ultrasound Anatomy of Lower Limb Muscles, in 2014, and Ultrasound-guided Musculoskeletal Procedures. The lower limb, in 2015.
8 电子书 Davide Orlandi
Enzo Silvestri & Alessandro Muda: Ultrasound Anatomy of Lower Limb Muscles
The book provides a comprehensive description of the basic ultrasound principles, normal anatomy of the lower limb muscles and classification of muscle strain injuries. Ultrasound images are coupled …
Luca Maria Sconfienza & Davide Orlandi: Ultrasound-guided Musculoskeletal Procedures
This handbook is a practical, easy-to-use reference that offers step-by-step instruction on ultrasound-guided interventional procedures for treatment of musculoskeletal pain of the lower limb. Each c …
Davide Orlandi: Quel pazzo di Nietzsche
L'oggetto fondamentale del presente lavoro consiste nel tentativo di leggere la vita come volontà di potenza, alla luce delle riflessioni nietzscheane in quest'ambito. Tuttavia, se que …
Fabio Martino & Enzo Silvestri: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Orthopedic and Rheumatic disease in Adults
This book presents the major advances and technological updates in diagnostic ultrasound procedures, focusing on the principal technological aspects and multiple exam procedures for the pertinent ana …
Davide Orlandi: Interpretazioni di interpretazioni. Indagine sul prospettivismo nietzschiano
L’obiettivo complessivo del saggio è quello, anzitutto, di esporre in linea di massima cosa Nietzsche ci abbia voluto dire col suo prospettivismo (che è già questo un obiettivo tutt’altro che scontat …
Davide Orlandi: Come guarire dai social network attraverso due romanzi
Questo saggio indaga la tematica del potere e del controllo nell’epoca di internet e della digitalizzazione attraverso l’analisi comparativa di due romanzi distopici contemporanei, Qualityland di Mar …
Davide Orlandi: Frammenti di vita – Come un grido nella notte
L’aforisma ha un potere liberatorio straordinario perché accarezza, teneramente, i sentimenti e le sensibilità più nascoste del proprio io. È un processo medicamentoso dell’animo umano, riservato sia …
Davide Orlandi: Il Turismo al tempo del Covid-19
Questo studio nasce dalla curiosità di comprendere alcune dinamiche, tanto diverse quanto strettamente correlate, derivanti da una pratica che sta progressivamente influenzando e inevitabilmente rivo …