Words of the Temple: Working Toward World Peace, is the first book of the trilogy A New Humanity. This series marries Earth wisdom with star knowledge. It introduces an upgraded Creation Story of humanity that reflects the knowledge held by our Indigenous; that we are from the stars, specifically, from the Pleiadian star system.
This guided writing is a compendium of disciplines that describe the seismic shift that our societies and our world are undergoing. It was written during the pandemic of 2020-2021. As the Aquarian Age advances it is imperative that we understand, integrate and embody the knowing that we are all brothers and sisters traveling as One into a New Earth, and a New Humanity! This is the beginning of a 26, 000-year cycle, known as a Platonic Year. It is the dawning of a golden age.
This shift takes our Earth into the galactic light where we remember that we are One with each other, the planet, the stars and the universes. This social transformation values every individual as the magnificent being that is the truth of who and what we and our fellow travelers are.
Through astronomy, astrology, esoteric information from the other side of the veil, along with current news articles, Deborah Sadler documents the changes taking place in our time. Her experience in Native American studies, the New Thought movement as well as her profession as an educator combines to weave a spiritual and fact-based explanation of why humanity and our world are now in such dramatic gyration.
CHAPTER 1: The Bethlehem Star
CHAPTER 2: Time Magazine Persons of the Year
CHAPTER 3: The Great Conjunction
CHAPTER 4: Cosmic Relief
CHAPTER 5: More Channeling About the Election
CHAPTER 6: More About Astrology and the Light Dark Quotient
CHAPTER 7: Solstice Meets Grand Conjunction
CHAPTER 8: More Time Magazine Kid of the Year
CHAPTER 9: The Adult Creation Story
CHAPTER 10: Santa Claus is for Affirmative Action
CHAPTER 11: The Love Machine
CHAPTER 12: The Nodes and Nulls
CHAPTER 13: MAGA Takes Over the U.S. Capitol
CHAPTER 14: The Power of Your Word
CHAPTER 15: Anarchists and Agitators
CHAPTER 16: Impeachment 2.0
CHAPTER 17: The Fall Out
CHAPTER 18: Threats to the Inauguration of Joe Biden, Jr.
CHAPTER 19: The Social Life of Trees
CHAPTER 20: Who Are These People?
CHAPTER 21: Words and Social Justice
CHAPTER 22: Inauguration Day Finally Arrives
CHAPTER 23: Kryon On the Maya Calendar and Indigenous Prophecy
CHAPTER 24: The Poet and the Poem
CHAPTER 25: Kryon and the Energy of the Future
CHAPTER 26: Social Justice in the Biden White House
CHAPTER 27: World Peace Begins With Me
CHAPTER 28: Reason for Optimism: Transitioning to a Life Economy
CHAPTER 29: Kryon Tells Us There is a System
CHAPTER 30: First Amendment Rights
CHAPTER 31: Saturn in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus
CHAPTER 32: ‘How Trump Unleashed a Domestic Terrorism Movement’
CHAPTER 33: Trump’s ‘Campaign Autopsy’
CHAPTER 34: The Myths and the Pleiadians
CHAPTER 35: Just The Reverse
CHAPTER 36: Biden’s Policies are Popular
CHAPTER 37: The Time Capsule in Dna
CHAPTER 38: A Reason to Celebrate.
CHAPTER 39: Walking Into the Pyre..
CHAPTER 41: Lily Rose
CHAPTER 42: The End
In Gratitude
Works Cited
About the Author
Additional Materials & Resources
Spiritual Leader, Seaside Center for Spiritual Living. Author, Living from the Mountaintop: Be the Mystic You Were Born to Be