Physics of skateboarding is presented as a motivational educational tool for skateboard enthusiasts of all ages. It addresses the fun, fellowship, and following of skateboarding. The journey of writing this book traced back to the previous ABICS Publications books with the theme of “physics of” an object of interest. We have seen “physics of soccer” and “physics in the kitchen.” Beyond writing this book as a sports-oriented book, we also designed it as a motivational tool of educational introduction to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Physics, as a science, is an essential part of human existence, whether in education, sports, industry, commerce, the home, and social settings. Physics is all around us and we should leverage it to have a better understanding of what we see, do, and experience.
The authors are a father-and-son team. Deji Badiru is a professor of industrial and systems engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Dayton, Ohio. He is a prolific author of not only technical books, but also guidebooks for home, work, and leisure. His passion is writing about everyday events, observations, and social responsibility. He has won several awards for his teaching, research, scholarship, and administrative accomplishments. Tunji Badiru is a mechanical engineer at GENERGY Manufacturing, LLC in Moraine, Ohio. He received his BS degree in mechanical engineering from Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. His recreational passions include skateboarding, soccer, and music. The cover image of this book is from one of his early skateboarding outings.