This book presents the proceedings of the International Science and Technology Conference “Far East Con 2019, ” which took place on October 1–4, 2019, in Vladivostok, Russian Federation. The conference provided a platform for gathering expert opinions on projects and initiatives aimed at the implementation of far-sighted scientific research and development, and allowed current theoretical and practical advances to be shared with the broader research community. Featuring selected papers from the conference, this book will be of interest to experts in various fields whose work involves developing innovative solutions and increasing the efficiency of economic activities.
Exploring Research Methods and Dynamic Systems Towards Economic Development: an Overview.- Algorithmic Approach to the Assessment of Innovation.- Visualization Strategies for the Management of Manufacturing Based on Digital Models.- Problems of Adaptation of Technical University Graduates in the Formation Conditions of New Economic Reality.- Organization of Educational Process in Conditions of Modern Polytechnic Education Development.- The Definition of Minorities in the African Legal and Political Doctrine.- The Analysis of Economic Indicators Based on the Information Model of N. Wiener.- Psychosemantic System of Family Purposefulness: Structural Research.- Numerical Study of Optimal Control Problem for a Distributed System of Savings in the Region’s Population.- ‘Multialternative Approach to the Mainstream Development Management of Regional Economics’.- The Health Care System as a Mechanism for the Integration of Indigenous Peoples of the Khabarovsk Territory into Soviet Society (thesecond half of the 1940s – the first half of the 1980s).- ‘The Ambivalence of China’s Image in the Works by A. Nesmelov and N. Baikov’.- On Materials of the Sociological Research of Youth Social Activity in the City of Tyumen.- Comparative Assessment of Planned and Actual Production Indicators Based on the Measure of Information Uncertainty.- Trade Relations between the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia: Assessment of Institutional Factors.- Entrepreneurial Activity of the Russian Arctic Regions: Quantitative Assessments and Management.- Modeling and Forecasting GDP Production in Russia, taking into account Changes in the Number of Working-Age Population Caused by the Retirement Age Increasing.- Prospects and Challenges of Virtual Labour Market Development in Russia.- Accreditation Examination of Developing Professional Competencies at the University: a Mathematical Model.- Physical Health of Young People as a Factor of Human Capital Development.- Improvement of the Operational Budgeting Model at the Industrial Enterprise.- Problems and Mechanisms of Regional Policy of Russia.- Economy Energy Intensity: Global Trends.- External and Internal Factors of Transformation of Diamond Industry of Russia.- Generation of Innovative Ideas: Intersubjective Approach.- Open Innovation as a Business Performance Accelerator: Challenges and Opportunities for the Firms’ Competitive Strategy.- Competitive and Strategic Model of Evaluation of Metallurgical Enterprises.- Formation of Analytical Tools for Investment Activities Audit of Priority Development Areas.- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Projects of Global and National Economic Significance Level.- ‘The Reception of Foreign Languages in the History of Russian Culture’.- Projections of Dynamics and Structure for the Mining of the Far East.- Evaluation of the Effects of Russian-Chinese Transboundary Projects in the Far East.- Coal Sea Ports of the Russian Far East: Problems and Prospects for Development.- Certain Aspects of Legal Optimization in the Field of Surrogate Motherhood.- Foresight System in the Structure of Criminological Forecasting of Corruption in the Business Environment in Multicultural Space of Russia.- Diagnostics of Tax Non-Payment Risk of Public Companies.- Methodical Approach to Conflict Management in the System of Social and Labour Relations in the Organization.- Pragmatic-Technological Integral for Academic Texts Build.- The Impact of Social Media on Recruitment: Opportunities, Benefits and Challenges.- Organization and Management of Resource Provision Innovation Activity.- Renovation of Residential Buildings in Moscow and the Transition to Intellectual Urban Environment.- Semantical Meanings of Colours in Chinese Culture.- The Specifics of the Formation of the Temporal Competence of Students of Economic Profile.- Election Technologies Crisis in Modern Russia (on the example of the Far East).- Modification of a Role of a Transport Factor in Distribution of Production of Forest Products on Regions.- Methodological Foundations of Using Blue Ocean Strategy in the Course of Construction Megaprojects Implementation.- Comparative Analysis of Preschool Education Systems in Russia, France and Germany.- Production Functions in Economic Growth Modeling and Methods for their Transformation.- The «Beginning» and the «End» of History: to a Problem of the Search of Historical Identity.- The Role of Scientific and Industrial Cooperation in Assessing the Innovative Potential of an Industrial Enterprise and the Approach to Evaluation through Joint Patent and Licensing Activities.- Fuzzy Cognitive Model for Analysis of Influence Relations and Industrial Clusters Identification.- Development of Urban Blocks’ Social Infrastructure on the Basis of Value Approach.- Socio-Psychological Space of Young People with Different Levels of Subjective Well-Being.- Digitalization of the Economy and Remote Employment of Women: an Analysis of the Situation and Development Prospects.- University Relations: University-Industrial Relations as the Main Factor in the Development of Polytechnic Education.- Development of the Basis of the Quality Management System of an Enterprise Financial Activity on the Principle of Lean Production.- Investment and Innovation Analysis of the Completeness and Complexity of the Use of Mineral Raw Materials at Mining Enterprises.- Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Merchandising on the Competitiveness of Public Catering Enterprises.- Development of Managerial Accounting in the Railway Holding.- Evaluation of the Development of Rural Areas of the Region and Their Classification by the Level of Sustainability for the Purposes of Regional Policy.- About the Essence of Categories ‘Efficiency’ and ‘Efficiency of the Investment Project’.- Formation of Uniform Scientific and Technological Space of the Russian Federation.- Methodological and Theoretical Approaches for Defining Structured Financial Products in a more Integrated and Globalized World.- Improvingthe Reliability of the Voice Signature When it is Used to Protect Paper Documents in the Information and Communication System of Enterprise Management.- Relationship between Identity Fusion and Extremist Attitudes of Young.- Development of Financial Analysis Based on the Theory of Fuzzy Sets.- Statistical Study of Dynamics of the Agricultural Production of Post-Soviet Countries in the Context of Food Security.- Sustainable Development of the Russian Arctic: the Role of Labor Potential.- The Role of the State Program ‘Economic Development and Innovation-Driven Economy’ in the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.- Methodical Approach to the Assessment of Food Security in the Region.- The Risk of Reducing the Material Well-Being of the Family at Child Birth.- University Informational Ecosystem with Target Contours.- Perspectives of Participation of the Murmansk Region in the Price-Responsive Reduction of Electric Energy and Power Consumption.- Ethno-confessional Identity: The Problem of Verification (Based on the Monitoring Data of Ethno-confessional Relations in the Khabarovsk Krai, 2016 – 2018).- Method for Determining Production and Resource Use Efficiency.- Management System for Publication Activity of Academic and Teaching Personnel at Russian Flagship University.- Northeast Asia Transport Services Market: Russian Participation Opportunities.- The Impact of Digital Technology on the Labor and the Socio–Economic Development in Modern Russia.- Prospects for Development of Inter-Firm Retail Chains.- ‘Evaluation of Investment Attractiveness of the Project ”Meat-processing Complex”’.- The Need and Focus of Transforming Vocational Education Management at the Regional Level.- Forecasting e-Learning Processes Using GERT Models and Process Mining Tools.- Industrial Policy in the Region: Current State and Areas for Improvement.- Training Teaching Staff as the Key Factor for Primorsky Region Economic Development.- Application of Methods for Obtaining Pareto Set for Increasing Effectiveness of Managing Decisions under Conditions of Multi-Criteriality.- Prediction of Probability of Positive Reaction of Consumers to New Types of Enriched Food.- International Reserves: Evolution of Their Role during Internationalization of Modern World Currencies.- Concepts of Oeuvre and Algorithmization in Modern Engineering Education.- Improvement of the Effectiveness Evaluation System of Projects Implemented on the Public-Private Partnership Principles in the Complex Development of the Territory.- The Impact of Economic Growth on Spatial Development of a Region.- Genesis of Russian Cyber Security Legal Mechanism: an Authentic or a Trend Alike Model?.- Cryptocurrency as a Threat to the Russian Financial Market Security.- Center-Periphery Polarization of Russian Space with Development of Digital Economy.- Digital Sharing Economy as a Tool of Sustainable Development: Evolutionary Vector and Structural Changes.- Forecasting the Structure of Small-Scaled Enterprisesby Types of Activities.- Russian Orthodox Church in the Educational Space of the Russian Empire.- Lifestyle in a Networked Society.- Religious and Ideological Foundations of the Philosophical Awareness of the Orthodox Faith.- The Education of Cadets and Psychological Aspect of the Reasons for Their Drop-Out of the National Military University.- Psychological Characteristics of Cadets from the Military Schools as Subjects of Educational Activity.
Denis B. Solovev is a graduate of Far Eastern State Technical University (Diploma with honours), Vladivostok, Russia. In 2011, he received a Ph D in Electric Engineering. From 2011 to 2017, he took internship in the leading Russian and international universities and research laboratories: MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Moscow; University of Maastricht, Maastricht (Netherlands); Laboratory of the Ministry of Energy of the United States of America, Seattle and Richland, Washington; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich; Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Faculty of Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, Toyota, Japan. He is currently the head of the educational program “Innovatica” (cluster of energy and electronics) at the Engineering School of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. His research interest covers electrical energy and power technologies for smart energy conversion, integration, distribution, and utilization, including electric motors and drives, electric generators; electric vehicle technologies, vehicle-to-home, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-grid; smart grid & microgrid technologies; sustainable & renewable energy systems; wireless power transfer technologies, and smart devices for robotics. Dr. Denis B. Solovev is a Senior Member of the IEEE, Member of IEEE Societies of IES, PES and serves as Reviewer for over 30 international journals. He has published over 150 leading papers in journals and over 40 papers in conferences in 2001-2017.
Viktor V. Savaley, Ph D, is a Full Professor in Economic Sciences in Department of Innovatics, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), School of Engineering, Russia. He has completed Ph D from Far Eastern State Technical University (FESTU), Vladivostok School of Economics, in Nov., 1982. From 1992 – 1993, he served as Lecturer in Economics, Far Eastern State Technical University (FESTU), School of Economics; from 1993 – 1997, he was Assistant Professor of Economics, Far Eastern State Technical University (FESTU), Vladivostok, Russia. His fields of interest are Political Economy, Economic Development, Economic Growth, Economic Theory, Technology, Income and Wage Inequality, Human Capital and Training, Labor Economics, and Network Economics.
Alexander T. Bekker, Ph D, is a Full Professor, Director of School of Engineering of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok, Russia. He has completed his Post graduate education in Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, Leningrad in 1985–1988; received Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, Leningrad, in 1988; Post doctorate trainee in the FESTU in 2002–2005; received the Doctor of Science degree in Control Engineering from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, in 2006 He has completed Ph.D., Economics from Far Eastern Federal University, Russia in 2010. He has published more than 200 scientific publications (6 books, 7 booklets).
Valery I. Petukhov, Ph D, is a Full Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok, Russia. In 1971, he has graduated from the Far Eastern Federal University majoring in ‘Oceanology’. He has completed Ph.D. in Economics from Far Eastern Federal University, Russia in 2005. From 1999 to 2011 – he served as a Director of Institute of Engineering and Social Ecology. Since 2011 till present – he is the Deputy Director of the DVFU Engineering School for Development, the Head of the department of Safety in Emergency Situations and Environment Protection. The honorary worker of higher education, the author of more than 130 published works. Has vast experience of implementation of educational and scientific projects and alsoexperience of commercialization of technological developments and creations of the successful innovative enterprises.