A Taste Back in Time, Recipes and true stories of Family, Friends, Faith and Food; is a compilation of humorous family stories often centered on food.
Gathering recipes from numerous relatives, there are recipes that date back many, many generations.
The Italian Culture is steeped in culinary tradition and the book sheds some light on the traditions and the important role that foods and celebrations play throughout life.
The book brings to light the belief that taking a taste of food that was enjoyed so long ago, instantly brings back fond memories of happier times. A time of Family, Friends, Faith and Flavor.
Many of the traditional foods and recipes seemed to have gotten lost amidst fast foods and chicken nuggets. Many of the long-held traditions that had sustained her in the past were almost non-existent in the fast paced 21st Century. In recapturing the memories that tie into the traditional foods, she rediscovered how these recipes could be adapted in todays kitchen
Hopefully when reading the book and trying the recipes you will feel and know that you are famiglia too!
The Author was close to death and had several out of body experiences that changed her spiritually forever. Many come through this type of experience and write about it; oddly enough Denise chose to write a cookbook replete with kitschy humor and family skeletons. Interesting!
Spoiler Alert: About that tunnel
Will be discussed in an upcoming book, so stay tuned.
Denise Martin is a 4th generation Italian-American that grew up in Westchester County, NY. Suffering from a chronic disabling illness, she made the Journey back to her roots by way of Family, Friends, Faith and Food.
Denise sought out the classic Italian comfort foods steeped in tradition.
Denise is an acknowledged foodie and unapologetic wine enthusiast.
She still resides in Westchester with her Husband Sandy and her beloved Dog Ashley.
Ashley, her harshest critic has awarded her the Maltese Beard Award for Canine Gourmet Cooking. Denise makes no apology to the fact that she cooks for her Dog; which often leaves her husband to pop in a microwave dinner, but she is trying to do better. She hopes that in reading her memorable stories it will rekindle some of your memories and traditional recipes of your own family. Her journey with a crippling disability Denise has discovered newfound Faith and old-time recipes. She has succeeded in cooking her way through depression and now has the motto: Life is like a bowl of cherries; don’t let the pits spoil your ability to enjoy the fruit!
Psalm: 86:12