How Long Will it Be?
By Dennis Meadows
How long will it be, before Christ my King and Savior
I shall see?
The One whose nail-scarred hands
Reached down and saved
A wicked sinner like me.
How soon shall it be?
Very soon from what the Holy Spirit tells me.
For I believe The Father is about to say to His Son,
Son, it is time!
Then the King of kings and Lord of lords shall stand
And walk out upon Heavens portals
And say, come up hither today!
How long will it be? How long before the Lord will return?
His coming cannot be soon enough for me.
His coming will come sooner than most people expect it to be.
For the Bible says, When you see all these things coming to be,
Like we, today, plainly see
Look up for then, your savior you will see.
How will all this be? Quicker than you can see a twinkle
In your eyes that you can barely see.
How long will it be? Not very long!
How long is that? You may say.
It may be noon, night, or day.
Christ will come as a thief when most souls will not be ready.
Peace, they will say, as they are saying even today.
Eat, drink, and be merry just as in Noahs day. Then the Bible
Says, Look up, for your Redemption draweth nigh.
My name is Dennis. God put me here for a reason, and part of it is to write and help children and adults. I am also a part-time farmer and love the outdoors. The books tell much of who I really am.