When faced with a sudden and unexpected crisis, when faced with a death of a child, where your whole life is changed forever, where interacting with life is a huge challenge, where everyday matters are difficult to cope with and life seems insurmountable, how does one go on? How does one gather the strength and the courage to pick up the pieces of a shattered life?
This book is the story of a mothers journeyof a sudden and dramatic crisisa descent into darkness and the journey back into the light. It is a journey of hope, love, survival, self-empowerment, and healing. It is a journey she hopes will inspire and uplift all who have lost a child or a loved one. She discovers that her children are still alive in their spiritual bodiesdead to this world but alive as shining lights in the evening sky.
Diana was educated at Columba College in Dunedin. She gained a hairdressing diploma in Christchurch and then studied iridology and herbs with Drs. Bernard Jensen and Eugene Watson and hypnotherapy with Dr. Ormond Mc Gill, all from the United States. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, she gained certificates in Touch for Health, aromatherapy, Jin shin Do, reflexology, and massage. She helped start Taoist Tai Chi in New Zealand and taught it for many years. She has been a guest speaker on natural health and wellbeing, as well as speaking about grief to Lions, Rotary, Zonta, and many other organisations.