Long neglected, the history of nursing has recently become the focus of a considerable amount of attention. Over the past decade, developments in the history of medicine, the history of women ó particularly of womenís work ó and nursing itself have resulted in a new recognition of the importance of the subject. Nursing History Review enables those interested in nursing and health care history to trace new and developing work in the field. The Review publishes significant scholarly work in all aspects of nursing history as well as reviews of recent books and updates on national and international activities in health care history.
Under the distinguished editorship of Joan Lynaugh, with the Editorial Review Board including such noted nurses as Ellen Baer, Susan Baird, Olga Maranjian Church, Donna Diers, Marilyn Flood, Beatrice Kalisch, The Review provides historical articles, historiographic essays, discourse on the work of history, and multiple book reviews in each annual issue.
Joan E. Lynaugh
To Work in the Garden of God: The Swedish Nursing Association and the Concept of the Calling, 1909-1933, Asa Andersson The Wind of Change is Blowing, Susan Mc Gann The beginning of Nursing in Brazil: Brazilian Sanitarians and American Nurses, Ieda de Alencar Barreira ìThe Problemî of Student Nurses of Japanese Ancestry During World War II, Susan Mc Kay Caring for life: Nursing During the Holocaust, Barbara L. Brush Smaller and Cheaper: The Chicago Hourly Nursing Service, 1926-1957, Jean C. Whelan Trained Nurses in Family Magazines, 1880-1928, Brigid Lusk Nurses: The Early Twentieth Century Tuberculosis Preventoriumís ìConnecting Linkî, Cynthia A. Connolly The Roots of Collaborative Practice: Nurse Practitioner Pioneersí Stories, Julie Fairman Historiographic Essay
The Fork in the Road: Nursing History Versus the History of Nursing?, Sioban Nelson Book Reviews
Review Essay: Telling the Sotries of World War II Military Nurses
- They Called Them Angelz: American Military Nurses of World War II, Kathi Jackson
- All This Hell: U.S. Nurses Imprisoned by the Japanese, Evelyn M. Monahan and Rosemary Neidel-Greenlee; Reviewer: Mary T. Sarnecky
Mending Bodies, Saving Souls: A History of Hospitals, Guenter B. Rise; Reviewer: Barbra Mann Wall Learning, Faith and Caring: History of the Georgetown University School of Nursing, 1903-2000, Alma S. Wooley; Reviewer: M. Louise Fitzpatrick Devices and Desires: Gender, Technology and American Nursing, Margarete Sandelowski; Reviewer: Arlene W. Keeling Hearts of Wisdom: American Women Caring for Kin, 1850-1940, Emily K. Abel; Reviewer: Cynthia A. Connolly No One Was Turned Away: The Role of Public Hospitals in New York City Since 1900, Sandra Opdyke; Reviewer: Jean C. Whelan Nurses in Nazi Germany: Moral Choice in History, Bronwyn Rebekah Mc Farland-Icke; Reviewer Evelyn R. Benson Letters from Belsen 1945: An Australian Nurseís Experience With the Survivors of War, Muriel Knox Doherty, edited by Judith Cornell and R. Lynnette Russell; Reviewer: Ellen Ben-Sefer An American Health Dilemma: A Medical History of African Americans and the Problem of Race-Beginnings to 1900, W. Michael Byrd and Linda A. Clayton; Reviewer: Carla Schissel Enduring Issues in American Nursing, edited by Ellen D. Baer, Patricia DíAntonio, Sylvia Rinker, and Joan E. Lynaugh; Reviewer: Nettie Birnbach Challenging Professions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Womenís Professional Work, edited by Elizabeth Smyth, Sandra Acker, Paula Bourne, andn Alison Prentice; Reviewer: Cynthia Toman New Dissertations
Subject Index