Usually Husserl’s analysis of time-constitution is thought of in terms of three phases that are roughly bound up with the central publications, the Lectures, the Bernau Manuscripts and the C-Manuscripts. Today, after the publication of the central texts incorporating the last two phases, the discussion of Husserl’s analysis of time-constitution has entered a new phase. This is true for the interpretation of the latter two texts but it also affects out reading of the Lectures. Today, in the aftermath of the recent publication of the C-Manuscipts, it seems more likely that the seemingly separated first two phases are more close to each other than expected. The new and broader context allows for more thorough interpretation of the whole enterprise of time-constitution.
By publishing this collection of contributions of the best international experts in this field, entailing some refreshing approaches of new coming researchers, this collection gives an overview of the most contemporary interpretations of this fundamental phenomenological theme.
Husserl’s New Phenomenology of Time Consciousness in the Bernau Manuscripts.- Notes on the Absolute Time-Constituting Flow of Consciousness.- Death and Time in Husserl’s C-Manuscripts.- On Birth, Death, and Sleep in Husserl’s Late Manuscripts on Time.- Phenomenology of “Authentic Time” in Husserl and Heidegger.- On the Constitution of the Time of the World: The Emergence of Objective Time on the Ground of Subjective Time.- The Metaphor of the Stream: Critical Approaches.- Retention and the Schema.- The Temporalizations of the Absolute Flow of Time-Consciousness.- Horizontal-Intention: Time, Genesis, History – Husserl’s Understanding of Their Immanent Relationship.- Temporality, Stream of Consciousness and the I in The Bernau Manuscripts.- A Return to Retention and Recollection: An Analysis of the Possible Mutual Influence of Consciousness and its Content.- Reflection Upon the Living Present and the Primal Consciousness in Husserl’s Phenomenology.- The Inner Night: Towards a Phenomenology of (Dreamless) Sleep.- Intermonadic Temporalization in Simultaneous Reciprocal Awakening.- Inner (Time-)Consciousness.