Letter writing is a lost art. In this era of 140-character limits and photo sharing, also lost are the reflections that come from putting pen to paper and pouring out not only the deepest parts of the soul but also the routine and mundane, the fanciful, and the helpful. And the love.
For almost thirty years, Don Dickson wrote his children a letter each week. At first he did this to keep them apprised of family matters and upcoming events, but he soon ventured far beyond the comings and goings of everyday life. This is a book of excerpts from those letters, telling a broader story of a life lived in a quiet corner of Connecticut and, at a personal level, told with humor and wisdom-and always with love.
John Dickson has selected excerpts from his father’s weekly letters to his children. John has previously written two books: Berkshire County’s Industrial Heritage (Arcadia Press, 2017) and History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations (University Press of Kansas, 2021).