Everyone needs reminders of how to behave. This doesn’t mean children only. We all need to be reminded how to act like mature, responsible people. Most of us resist these reminders, but to do so is to risk developing a personality which excludes others and which lowers our self-esteem.
I offer these maxims in humility, confessing that I am not an avatar of perfection; I’m merely offering suggestions which may help you to grow and mature.
A Blessing illustrates several of the Maxims: twenty, twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty-seven, forty, forty-three, fifty-one, fifty-eight, seventy-one, seventy-seven, seventy-nine, and eighty-three..
Although he has long been eligible to retire, Donald J. Richardson continues to (try to) teach English Composition at Phoenix College in Arizona. He defines his life through his teaching, his singing, his volunteering, and his grandchildren.