作者: Dorian Sykes

Dorian Sykes was recently released from prison after serving well over ten years behind bars. During the time of his lengthy incarceration, he penned several highly notable street novels, including his Going All Out trilogy. Currently residing in Detroit, Mr. Sykes is constantly working to give the readers new hot material.   

3 电子书 Dorian Sykes

Dorian Sykes: The Good Life
1988 is the era, Detroit is the scene, and crack is the movement. It’s a time when young black men can become self-made millionaires seemingly overnight by selling dope. The crack era has become to B …
Dorian Sykes: The Good Life Part 2
As soon as he graduated high school, Wink jumped head first into the drug game. He hardened his heart and did whatever he had to in order to rise through the ranks. In The Re-Up, Wink takes things to …
Dorian Sykes: The Good Life Part 3
Wink was a drug dealer with a thirst for the good life and a drive to succeed. Now that he is no longer on the streets, is his son headed along the same path? All his life, young Saw listened to his …