E. P. O”DONNELL (1895-1943) was the author of the novel Green Margins, published in 1936. His short stories appeared in Harper”s, Collier”s, and The Yale Review, among other publications. BRYAN GIEMZA is director of the University of North Carolina Libraries Southern Historical Collection. He is the author of Irish Catholic Writers and the Invention of the American South.
2 电子书 E. P. O Donnell
E. P. O’Donnell: The Great Big Doorstep
A Depression-era comic masterpiece, E. P. O’Donnell’s The Great Big Doorstep centers on the Crochets, a Cajun family who live in a ramshackle house between the levee and the Mississippi River. The Cr …
E. P. O’Donnell: Great Big Doorstep
A Depression-era comic masterpiece, E. P. O’Donnell’s The Great Big Doorstep centers on the Crochets, a Cajun family who live in a ramshackle house between the levee and the Mississippi River. The Cr …