The government tells us that we should eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits daily. Unfortunately, the average person is lucky to have two servings in a typical day, children even less. In their new booklet, Drs. Mindell and O92;Donnell tell us how greens can protect us against heart disease; cancer; diabetes; macular degeneration; poor night vision; senile dementia; liver disease; fatigue; and blood, sleep, urinary, and colorectal disorders.
Tony O’Donnell, Naturopathic Doctor. Dr. Tony O’Donnell was born in Ireland into a large family of eleven siblings. He received his training at the world famous British Homeopathic College and at the equally famous Clayton College of Natural Health. Currently he resides in Santa Monica, California, where he practices nutrition and oversees a successful health-product distribution business. Dr. Tony is the formulator of Emerald Greens (TM), now the top-selling green product in America. He can be heard weekly on the radio coast-to-coast. Dr. Tony is also a frequent guest on ABC, NBC, and Fox TV.