This book presents the first behavioral activation (BA) program to help 12- to 18-year-olds overcome depression. The authors provide a systematic framework for increasing adolescents’ engagement in rewarding activities and decreasing avoidant behavior. User-friendly features include session-by-session guidelines and agendas, sample scripts, and instructional materials. Strategies are described for actively involving parents and tailoring BA to each teen’s needs and developmental level. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book contains 35 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
1. Depression and Behavioral Activation with Adolescents
2. Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and Treatment Planning
3. How to Use the A-BAP Session Guides
4. Management of Treatment Challenges within the A-BAP Approach
5. Applications of Behavioral Activation with Other Clinical Samples/Situations
A-BAP Treatment Sessions
Module 1. Getting Started
Module 2. Getting Active
Module 3. Skill Building
Module 4. Practice
Module 5. Moving Forward
Reproducible Handouts
Elizabeth Mc Cauley, Ph D, ABPP, is Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington (UW), with adjunct appointments in Psychology and Pediatrics, and Director of the Mood and Anxiety Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Her clinical and research work focuses on the development and treatment of depression and suicidality in young people. She has developed and tested a number of prevention and intervention strategies, including leading a project funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health to test the efficacy of behavioral activation (BA) as a treatment for adolescent depression. Dr. Mc Cauley is a past president of the Society for Child and Adolescent Psychology.
Kelly A. Schloredt, Ph D, ABPP, is Attending Clinical Psychologist in Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Director of the Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Unit at Seattle Children’s Hospital, and is Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UW. Dr. Schloredt is actively engaged in professional activities including management and administration, teaching, patient care, and supervision and training. She was a research therapist on the Adolescent BA Program study led by Elizabeth Mc Cauley.
Gretchen R. Gudmundsen, Ph D, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UW and Attending Clinical Psychologist in Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Seattle Children’s Hospital. She has published numerous articles on the treatment of depression and the role of stress and coping in depressive disorders. Dr. Gudmundsen provides direct outpatient care in addition to conducting supervision and training. She has been a research therapist on several projects on the treatment of adolescent mood disorders and was awarded a Klingenstein Third Generation Fellowship for Child and Adolescent Depression.
Christopher R. Martell, Ph D, ABPP, is Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is board certified in Clinical Psychology and in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology. He has led workshops around the world on behavioral activation and other topics. Dr. Martell is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Psychologist Award from the Washington State Psychological Association, and has received honors and recognition as an instructor and clinical supervisor. He was a full-time practicing clinician for over 24 years prior to devoting his time to teaching, supervision, and research consultation.
Sona Dimidjian, Ph D, a clinical psychologist, is Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a widely recognized expert on women’s mental health; the clinical application of contemplative practices, such as mindfulness meditation; and cognitive and behavioral approaches. She has developed successful prevention and treatment programs to promote well-being among women, including during pregnancy and early parenting. Dr. Dimidjian is a recipient of multiple awards and the author of widely cited scholarly papers. She is coauthor of the self-help resource
Expecting Mindfully as well as
Behavioral Activation for Depression and
Behavioral Activation with Adolescents (for mental health professionals).