A philosophical investigation of the concept of interiority, presenting readers with its unmined aspects and senses.
A philosophical exploration of the concept of interiority, Rethinking Interiority presents readers with its unmined aspects and senses, including ideas of an inner world and life, personal identity, auto-affection, and its social and political dimensions as well as its ethical possibilities. Internationally recognized scholars and philosophers investigate figures in the history of phenomenology as well as recent developments in psychology and the neurosciences to uncover not only the depths of interiority but also how it comes to connect with and structure external reality. Western and Eastern philosophical positions are addressed, creating a fruitful dialogue in which readers are invited to participate.
Elodie Boublil and Antonio Calcagno
Part One: Interiority and Subjectivity
1. The Spatiality of Acosmic Interiority: A Phenomenological Attempt to Rethink ‘Lived Space’
Carla Canullo
2. Interiority, Exteriority, Being-In: A Concise Analysis
Hans Rainer Sepp
3. Self-Owning, Self-Transparency, and Inner Nudity: Hedwig Conrad-Martius on Interiority
Christina M. Gschwandtner
Part Two: Interiority, Alterity, and Transcendence
4. ‘In interiore homine’: The Presence and Absence of the Divine in the Human
Angela Ales Bello
5. ‘It Is No Longer I Who Do It’: Interiority and the Foreign-Body
Brian W. Becker
6. Inner Distance and Surreptitious Patience According to Jean-Louis Chrétien
Emmanuel Housset
Part Three: Interiority and World: Metaphysical and Ethical Applications
7. The Self-Awakening (jikaku [自覚]) from the Citadel of the Self: Everything is Interconnected with Everything
Steve G. Lofts
8. Ultima Ratio Decisions and Absolute Interiority: From Hegel to Bonhoeffer
Christian Lotz
9. Critical Phenomenology and the Rehabilitation of Interiority
Ann V. Murphy
10. Joy, Interiority, and Individuation: A Steinian Account
Elodie Boublil
11. Gerda Walther’s Phenomenology of Interiority and the Idea of a Fundamental Essence
Antonio Calcagno
Antonio Calcagno is Associate Professor of Philosophy at King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario. He is the author of Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein.