Sandra Cardarelli graduated with a PhD in History of Art at the University of Aberdeen funded by the AHRC. She has contributed papers and published on the artistic output of the diocese of Grosseto, in Southern Tuscany, in the fifteenth century. Her major interests are in late Medieval and Renaissance Sienese visual culture, parish research, and cultural history.Emily Jane Anderson is currently completing her doctoral research at the University of Glasgow on “Vitale da Bologna and his Followers: the Eastern European Vitaleschi”. She is the recipient of scholarships and grants from the AHRC and the University of Glasgow. She has presented papers and published on Bolognese trecento art and New Kingdom Egyptian Sculpture.John Richards is Senior Lecturer and Head of History of Art at the University of Glasgow. He has published on Trecento Italian art, and has contributed to Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, Apollo, Church Monuments, and The Sculpture Journal. His interests lie in North Italian art between c. 1300 and c. 1450, and particularly on the work of Altichiero and his contemporaries, as well as on patronage in Verona and Padua.
1 电子书 Emily Jane Anderson Sandra Cardarelli
Emily Jane Anderson & Sandra Cardarelli: Art and Identity
This book provides a fully contextualised overview on aspects of visual culture, and how this was the product of patronage, politics, and religion in some European countries between the 13th and 17th …