作者: Emma Holloway

Michael D. Holloway has over 35 years of industrial experience ranging from research, product development, process refinement, application engineering, technical marketing, quality and product engineering, reliability engineering, and technical marketing and sales. He is the president of 5th Order Industry. He holds a patent in a bearing cleaning composition, has written eight books, published hundreds of papers, and spoken at numerous conferences. He holds twelve professional certifications, a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, and a Master of Science degree in Engineering. He enjoys working on vintage European sports cars, fly-fishing, sailing, Irish whiskey, and a good story. Emma Holloway is a highly distinguished honors student in advanced placement curriculum. Emma is a member of many honorable societies and shows great promise by helping compile this immense dictionary.

2 电子书 Emma Holloway

Michael D. Holloway & Emma Holloway: Dictionary of Industrial Terminology
This is the most comprehensive dictionary of maintenance and reliability terms ever compiled, covering the process, manufacturing, and other related industries, every major area of engineering used i …
Michael D. Holloway & Emma Holloway: Dictionary of Industrial Terminology
This is the most comprehensive dictionary of maintenance and reliability terms ever compiled, covering the process, manufacturing, and other related industries, every major area of engineering used i …