Domestic violence in adolescent romantic relationships is an increasingly important and only recently acknowledged social issue. This book provides conceptual frameworks for the design and evaluation of interventions with a focus on developing evidence based practice, as well as a research, practice and policy agenda for consideration.
1. Contextualising Violence and Abuse in Adolescent Romantic Relationships 2. The Impact of Adolescent Dating Violence 3. Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Dating Violence 4. Issues in Adolescent Dating Violence Risk Assessment 5. What Works When Intervening in Adolescent Dating Violence? 6. A Framework for Designing Interventions for Adolescent Dating Violence 7. A Framework for Evaluating Interventions for Adolescent Dating Violence 8. Drawing It All Together: A Research, Practice and Policy Agenda
Erica Bowen is Professor in the Psychology of Violence and Interpersonal Aggression at Coventry University, UK, where she is the Director of the Violence and Interpersonal Aggression research group ( During the past 15 years her research has focused on preventing violence in intimate relationships in both criminal justice adult and school-based populations.Kate Walker is a Research Associate in Violence and Interpersonal Aggression at Coventry University, UK. Her primarily qualitative research has focused on understanding the processes of change in men who have been violent towards their intimate partners in both criminal justice and community intervention settings. More recently her research focus has included evaluating a serious-game based primary intervention for adolescents.