‘Hoyt’s passionate sense of kinship with orca makes his account effective as both a science and literature. He has chronicled his adventures and discoveries …with grace, insight, wit–and a comprehensiveness that might satisfy even Herman Melville.'(Discover Magazine) Star performers in aquariums and marine parks, killer whales were once considered to be too dangerous to approach in the wild. Erich Hoyt and his colleagues spent seven summers following these intelligent and playful creatures in the waters off northern Vancouver Island, intent on dispelling the killer myth. Orca: The Whale Called Killer is Hoyt’s exciting account of those summers of adventure and discovery, and the definitive, classic work on the orca or killer whale. The Free Willy films, inspired in part by Hoyt’s pioneering writing about orcas, tell the
story of a captive orca being returned to the wild. (Hoyt, in fact, recommended Keiko, the orca who became the star of Free Willy, to Warner Bros.) But Orca: The Whale Called Killer tells the true story of wild orcas befriending humans.
CONTENTS Foreword Prologue Part One: First Summer Killer Whale Country The Sonic Creature The Predator and Man The Whale Census Swimming With Whales Sleeping Whales Part Two: Fall/Winter Captives Part Three: Second Summer A Killer Whale Day Stubbs Part Four: Third Summer The Rubbing Beach Part Five: In Later Years A Future For Orcas in the Northwest? Epilogue Appendices Appendix 1: The Diet of the Killer Whale: A List of Known Prey Appendix 2: Population of Killer Whales in British Columbia and Washington Waters: Pod Size and Composition 1981-1987 Appendix 3: Local and National Names for Orcinus Orca Appendix 4: World Catch
Statistics for Killer Whales Appendix 6: Killer Whales Kept Captive Appendix 7: Institutions That Have Kept Killer Whales Captive Appendix 8: A Concise History of Man and Orca Bibliography Index
Erich Hoyt